Anonymous ID: 7ca43f Feb. 18, 2020, 6:06 p.m. No.8178839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9002 >>9016


This post just reminded me of something I found late last night, and I've been gone all day and havent had a chance to share.

I was looking for images yesterday and ran across this (pic related).I dont even remember what I was looking for but something for a meme totally unrelated.

It caught my eye and then I looked into it a bit more and turns out its from the New Cathedral of Salamanca in Spain.

The name Salamanca made me think of Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad.

So this Cathedral, similar to that stegasaurus carving in the temple in Thailand, has a stone carving of an astronaut.

Built in 1513, apparently.

I've never seen this before, and I dont know if this is original or what but it was interdasting enough for me to want to show you guys.