Anonymous ID: b9fc8b Feb. 18, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.8178714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8736 >>8762


You're a IDIOT…You really think this is new….You Insult God because people lie about him for a profit And make a fortune ..(Ever hear of politicians…DUMMY)….Ever hear of the Catholic Church….DUMMY…Do your research before you talk like a FOOL about God….Pretending to know something which you know NOTHING about….This is not the 1st time….Idiot…KEK…Read a Book


Oral Roberts to the Rescue?


Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007


In 1987, television preacher Oral Roberts made a dramatic appeal. If his supporters did not send donations totaling $8 million dollars within three months, he warned that God would "call me home." There were those who complained that Roberts was extorting his viewers and using the Deity as an accomplice, but there was no doubting his charisma — or his results. Roberts received over $9 million, and God did not call him home.


Now, at age 89, the Tulsa, Okla., university that bears his name has called Roberts home from a California retirement — under the most excruciating of circumstances. On Wednesday, the head regent at Oral Roberts University announced that the school is an astonishing $52.5 million in debt. This news arrived just three weeks after the revelation of a wrongful termination suit filed against the school by three former professors who claim that they were fired after providing the school's Board of Regents with a report detailing moral and ethical lapses by Oral's son Richard, who had inherited the school's presidency from his father, and Richard's wife Lindsay. Among the allegations: the Roberts had remodeled their home eleven times in 14 years with university money; they bankrolled one of their daughters' $29,411 trip to the Bahamas with school funds; and Lindsay Roberts had spent the night in an O.R.U. guest-house with an underage male nine times.


Early in October Richard Roberts, 59, told students the suit amounted to "intimidation, blackmail and extortion," and appeared with his wife on Larry King Live to deny the allegations. Nevertheless, on October 17 Richard took a leave of absence from the university presidency and Oral Roberts returned to the campus chapel last Monday to announce, "The devil is not going to steal O.R.U." He received a standing ovation and was renamed O.R.U.'s co-president, but George Pearsons, chairman of the school's Board of Regents, seems intent on limiting his influence. "He is the founder. He is a great icon," Pearsons told The Daily Oklahoman. "But the bottom line is, any decision is going to come down to the board." The school has hired a Washington, D.C., law firm to run an independent investigation and an audit. It suggested that the professors' case could be solved by mediation, but the ex-teachers' lawyer has so far refused to engage.


The whole affair is a sad denouement for one of the pioneers of televangelism, a man who, in the early 1980s, seemed poised to pull the then-declasse Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions, which emphasize gifts of the Holy Spirit such as healing and speaking in tongues, into the mainstream. Says Randall Balmer, chair of the religion department at Barnard College, who has written about Roberts, "I feel badly for him. This must be a blow.",8599,1677098,00.html

Anonymous ID: b9fc8b Feb. 18, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.8178805   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What the FK is wrong with you besides only have a GED and reading the Cat in the Hat..Read a Book…DUMMY..Go a whole Folder full of reasons why your not a FKing TWIT/IDIOT and Don't have a CLUE as to what you're talking about…KEK..Which I seriously doubt you're capable of..KEKEK

Anonymous ID: b9fc8b Feb. 18, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.8178876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Want the easy way…Just become a Farmer…But don't tell Bloomberg …KEK


Mike Bloomberg Thinks Farmers Are Stupid