Anonymous ID: ebbb2b Feb. 18, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8178702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8178470 (pb)

>Buttplug and husband are not Presidential

>>8178486 (pb)

>Zero presidential magic.

>After Obama, I don't think I'm ready for a gay president for a while yet.


Buttplug wasn’t designed to be “Presidential”


That’s the whole fukkn point! Remember, [they] don’t want a strong alpha male with a heart to lead this great country. It distorts their one sided patriarchal archetype of all strong white men are BAD. They don’t want us to know that many great male leaders in history had strength, courage, and compassion. Trump thoroughly disrupted their NWO PsyOp.


They want to destroy this country by installing a weak leader that will depend on them for his/her decisions. Buttplug fits the bill and his father was a post modernist social engineer, so he has been throughly educated to carry out their plans.


He is a weak globalist faggot whose been commissioned to get us back on the technocratic transhumanist road to hell.