Anonymous ID: eef326 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.8178676   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8764 >>8813 >>8875 >>9161

Illegal Alien Acquitted for Kate Steinleā€™s Murder Deemed Mentally Ill, Unfit to Stand Trial for Gun Charges


The seven-time felon, five-time deported illegal alien acquitted for 32-year-old Kate Steinleā€™s murder in 2017 will not stand trial on federal gun charges after a California court has deemed him mentally ill.


Following Steinleā€™s 2015 killing on a pier in San Francisco, illegal alien Jose Garcia Zarate was charged with her murder after being caught on surveillance footage running from the shooting. After his arrest, Zarate admitted to shooting and killing Steinle, who was walking on the pier at the time with her father, saying he chose San Francisco because it was a sanctuary city that shields criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by federal immigration officials.


Now, after his acquittal of Steinleā€™s murder, Zarate is facing federal criminal charges for illegal possession of a firearm. Zarate has pleaded not guilty to the charges.


Records from last week reveal that a California court is declaring Zarate mentally ill and thus unable to stand trial for the charges, as FOX 5 San Diego reported:


A court evaluator concluded Jose Ines Garcia Zarate is not competent to stand trial on federal gun charges ā€œbecause of a mental illness that is not presently being treated,ā€ according to a court document from the US District Court in California. [Emphasis added]




ā€œIf neither side disputes the evaluatorā€™s conclusion, the Court wishes to explore ā€¦ what efforts should be made locally to restore the defendant to competency through proper medication, as opposed to sending the defendant to a federal facility outside California,ā€ according to court documents dated February 14. [Emphasis added]


The defense and prosecution are set to meet this week to discuss the matter.


Illegal aliens facing trial, as Breitbart News has chronicled, increasingly have used the defense of being insane, mentally ill, and mentally disabled to escape maximum sentences for murder.


In the case of illegal alien Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman ā€” accused of murdering four Americans in Reno, Nevada ā€” the defense is expected to claim that Martinez-Guzman is ā€œmentally disabledā€ to avoid the death penalty if he is convicted.


Likewise, the 34-year-old illegal alien Apolinar Altamirano, an alleged self-proclaimed member of the Sinaloa Cartel, accused of murdering 21-year-old gas station clerk Grant Ronnenbeck in cold blood in January 2015, will not be eligible for the death penalty after he successfully got himself declared ā€œintellectually disabled.ā€

Anonymous ID: eef326 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8178708   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8875 >>9161

IMF Team to Visit Beirut for Government Briefing on Lebanonā€™s Response to Crisis


The government of Lebanon is planning to brief a visiting team of International Monetary Fund staff on how it plans to continue dealing with the countryā€™s current economic crisis, IMF Communications Director Gerry Rice said in a statement.


"A small IMF staff team will visit Beirut from February 20ā€“23 to listen to the authoritiesā€™ views on how they plan to face Lebanonā€™s economic difficulties and to take stock of recent macroeconomic developments", Rice said on Tuesday.


The IMF officials will also provide broad technical advice on policies to deal with the macroeconomic challenges facing the economy, the IMF spokesman added.


Lebanon has not requested financial assistance from the IMF in dealing with its crisis, the statement said.


Previously, the country's government adopted a program of measures aimed at preventing the local economy from collapsing. The Lebanese banking system will be revised as part of the new plan.


The visit is set to take place amid mass protests that have engulfed Lebanon since October 2019. People have been demanding urgent reforms to end the deepening liquidity crisis, which the countryā€™s president, has blamed on the US sanctions.


Rothschild banking cartel taking over Lebanon?

Anonymous ID: eef326 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.8178774   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8942 >>8967

Israel advances housing plan in Jerusalem area Trump plan marks for Palestinians


Project for 9,000 homes at inoperative Atarot airport would take over last open area in East Jerusalem neighborhood that US envisions will house tourism center for Muslims


The Housing Ministry has begun advancing a plan to build a massive Jewish neighborhood in an East Jerusalem area that appears to be earmarked in the Trump administrationā€™s peace plan for a Palestinian tourism center.


On February 9, the ministry submitted a building plan that would see some 9,000 housing units constructed at the site of the Atarot Airport, which has been inoperative since the breakout of the Second Intifada in 2000.


While the Trump plan does not specify where exactly in Atarot the Palestinian tourism center would be located, the airport is the only open area in the East Jerusalem neighborhood where such a site could be built.


The new neighborhood in Atarot would break a long stretch of Palestinian urban areas extending from the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Beit Hanina and Shuafat north to Kfar Aqab, Qalandiya and Ramallah on the other side of the security barrier.

Anonymous ID: eef326 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.8178799   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8815 >>8875 >>8934 >>8991 >>9161

Saudi Arabia accuses Muslim Brotherhood of working with the Nazis


n a speech to delegates at the 37th World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem in 2015, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew a great deal of criticism after claiming this exact theory.


Saudi Arabia claimed on Tuesday that Muslim brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Bana has worked for the Nazis in the past, according to Washington D.C.-Based Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI.

As a part of an ongoing escalation between Saudi Arabia and The Muslim brotherhood, the Saudi media has made several attempts to go against the organization.

In this instance, the Saudi government's daily newspaper 'Okaz' published an article titled "The Nazi Brotherhood" according to which the founder of the movement, as well the Jerusalem mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini had ties to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party during World War 2.

According to the article, Al-Bana served the Nazis in order to advance the Muslim Brotherhood political goals, with Al-Husseini connecting between the parties. The article also mentioned that the two served as spies for the Third Reich while collaborating with the British intelligence, as well as recruiting soldiers to serve in Hitler's army.

Anonymous ID: eef326 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8178837   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>8876

Food As Medicine: Return to Nature


Nature works in balance with all its ecosystems.


All life is a part of Nature. Therefore, as Nature is self-sustaining, self-regenerating, and self-healing, so are we. Spending time in Nature not only helps us feel happy, but benefits health in a myriad of ways. For instance, as people begin to appreciate that trees communicate underground through mycelium networks, these same mushrooms, such as Lionā€™s Mane, can heal our bodies and minds.


Going back to Nature means:


using the tools of nature of heal yourself.

growing your own foods.

growing foods in community gardens.

supporting local small farmers who enhance soil nutrition.

finding local bee keepers for the benefits of local honey.

realizing the microbes in the soil are the same microbes in the gut which is the center of the immune system.

understanding your bodyā€™s immune system is based in the gut.

using soups and teas as a direct line to your cells, bypassing the gut when the gut is damaged and needs time to heal.

recognizing the herbs you grow in your own yard are not just weeds.

looking as food as medicine.

using plants in multiple ways; as teas, tinctures, and as food in culinary dishes.

learning that certain flowers, like peony petals, are edible. See recipe.

knowing that the best source of ā€˜vitamin Dā€™ is made from sun rays on your skin.

knowing that the second best source of vitamin D comes from food, including chicken eggs exposed to the sun or cod liver oil.

spending time outdoors.

communicating with the plants as the Native Americans and Aborigines ā€“ the Originals- taught.

going back to the kitchen.