Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.8178531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8567 >>8569 >>8651 >>8693 >>8752

Calling attention to anons.


I am.

I am also wondering of any of you have any idea or comprehend what this image represents?

The meaning of this cermony?


I do. I have also done it.


What I am wondering about is, How late I am, or if I am early.


Care to give me feedback?

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 5:45 p.m. No.8178636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8663 >>8741 >>8757 >>8852



I was not "gone" so to say.


It was a psycedelic experience without any drugs.


Truly a most enjoyable experience.

Very hard to explain in words as it does not exist really.

Symbols are really the only way to describe it.



Well.. everything is light.


I know who I am, what team I am on, and who is guiding me.


This is big. Really really big.

I cant even begin to word it. It is huge.


Love all of you tho always.


Dont have to be gay to make a friend feel okey.

Problem is many dont know how to handle feelings/energy. And think they are GAY. Lol. it is comedy.


I mean.. sure.. i can identify with a feeling.. and not put it into use outwards.


IT IS MINE! I AM IT! gollum.jpg


If everyone knew tomorrow, everything would stand still. all of it. nothing would happen for a good while.


Many are starting to know, thus less is happening. Less buttons to push, so "they" force it. FEAR… we must FEAR.


Also, switching from duality, to 5D for example is really easy.


And to switch from me to you, etc.


It is so easy that it is hard.


Why dont more get this?





Know thyself bro.


That is the most important task you have. And that ritual.


And it is done. Forever. past, present and future.


All in one. At the same time.

WWG1WGA right?


You broke right now? See alot of broke people stuff?


You sick rn? see alot of hospitals?

Why is that? Is it you? or other people?


CAMAN ffs get it in.


Sry for rambling. it is frustrating.

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8178836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085





Since there is a realm behind this - above gamma, below infra etc.


We cannot see it. They can literally walk in and out as they please.


With alot of training we can also do this.

Tho, that gate is not for everyone.


That picture represents a symbol of a old egyptian cermony called the weighing of the heart, and soul.


To reach perfection. In everything.


As all time is NOW.. all the past timelines everywhere, and all possible future timelines in Pi x any amount of observation points are they human or any other are important to note.


The more perfect you are in every aspect will enter certain things.


That cermony is easy to get to for me at least.

And it will show you who you truly are, where you come from, and to where you go.


To where you go you say?


From a particle born inside a star.. that is you. The essence. Only god knows how many years later you are here.


With that time past you have chosen who you are, what you want to be, how the future looks like, and almost most importantly with WHOM you are to create it with, and where to focus that energy. here or another place.


So lets say, you are on team 1. 4000 years later you are born on team 2.. you will suck at team 2. bringing them down. because that is what you CHOOSE.


and those that know that.. see that.

see with the ears, and listen with the eyes.


get it?


So you will not get any higher. because they now know and see that.


fake it? nah.


Reach perfection.. in everything you do. ALL of it. Then chose life. well.. hopefully.

and sometimes life need and have to be destroyed for something else to grow. like mushrooms etc.


all time is NOW time.

Put a linear line vertically. somewhere on that line are you.

Dropped a glass and shattered it? Somwehere on that line, a future, or past did not happen. you died. or took suicide.


perfection. live forever. win forever. together.


see how easy it is? it is so easy it is hard.


Slow is fast? sure it is.. when you dont die somewhere.


Subjective reality is true for that point of view. cannot be told is a lie.



Tho, if we know who takes care of LIFE, and most importantly TRUTH for all, and fix it for all… that is who we all chose. right?


That is why Q said.. Game over.


He put it bluntly. The game is literally over.


The above texts is now starting to get known all over the world. As a ripple in a ocean. it is a tsunami.


We all know now. We see with the body. Feel truth.


The players are dead. And they will keep dying until they die so many times in a timeline somewhere that they either chose truth, and life.. or die altogether.


The more corrupt they are, the more it will show. The quicker it will be sort of.



We are literally the tip of the spear here.


Have a shitty house? fix it. it is not life. truth or perfection.


Those that rise, with the frequency will vanish from all bad stuff. why? we are not it. and we will also not see it either, or experience it.


Resonate the f out of it.


Leave them. They have chosen ey?


my words are all over the place.


Do the cermony, and know.


You may think you know. but if you guys are still in here day after day.. you dont know.


know and gtfo.


literally a life you only can dream of. and it is not in here.




The cermony is called, Coming forth by Day.

Also alot of rituals are in the book of the dead. I suggest doing them aswell.


alot of other things to do while you do them, i am sure if any of you will actually have a life with no drama and movies.. movies… movies… get to it.


t-minus 8 months.

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.8178885   🗄️.is 🔗kun



She is right.


it is RIGHT there. here. and everywhere.


It is change of frequency. food. words. people. all of it. perfection.


Fear? there is an absolutely immense power of energy. you can have it in there. why? because you will not do anything that harm anything there.


that is why it is yours.


as long as you have thoughts, or anything in you that can bring harm.. you do not have it. period.


with great power comes great responsibillity. and a electricity bill.


there is tho, realms where games are played. kinda like here.


it is kinda boring to have all of it all the time.

so we create.


thing is, we have forgotten. and people are in fact suffering "for real".


so.. it is game over.




it ends. because someone know,. and are using it.

and the rest have forgotten, and cant do anything about it.


Zero-Point end-game. this is what it means.


freedom for most. not all tho. those that know, and still bring harm in actions are out.



Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.8178954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096



Very close.


Know this, what does the sun do? it gives.

What does to moon do? it takes.


when you recieve, or take you are the moon.


What to do to be the sun?

Get rid of everything that is not by YOU. gifts included.

And start giving.


that could be a prosess of.. heard of letting go before?


How do you know who you are when the house of full of other peoples timelines, energy and intentions?


where are you then?


And yeah.. my heart is pure. unusually pure. whatever that may mean in the end.


I know to what family i am. And from that cermony i gained insight and confidence i can never express in words as it is beyond anything i can describe.


Anons, all is well. whenever you all are ready.. come out of it.


not all of this is real.


comsi comsi.

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:26 p.m. No.8179051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087



If you know who YOU are you know when you have entered a paralell dimension by someone who is NOT you.


it is that easy.


and that is why it is hard to notice it.


if you hang with someone who dont know this, and are kinda connected to it all.. it is the same chaos as the "news".


that is why you need to know who YOU are. YOUR own world.


literally anything you can dream of can happen.


and you also will notice very quickly when you "cross" over to someone elses reality.



that if why they use those that GIVE and FIX things naturally to fix THEIR shit. they dont.. they stay the same.

and use you or me to fix it.



why is it game over?


We know now. and we AINT FIXING SHIT.


let it burn. we leave before that dont worry.


game over. bluntly.


Get it? Know thyself.


know a good guy.. get him out of touch with certain people, and see the improvement.

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.8179129   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Satanic rituals?




What if you dont even know what you are doing here? and i ask you, the reader, not the writer.


to "fight" for a movie you want to see?

that you create by spewing hatred outwards?

what does hatred breeds?


a wonderful life full of blessings?

Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.8179155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9201


The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun!


Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future.



Anonymous ID: f015a0 Feb. 18, 2020, 6:47 p.m. No.8179250   🗄️.is 🔗kun



with always.

you chose shit, or not.

with a no, or yes.


action or not.


step back, or forth.


it has always been, and will always be.


tho, earth is doomed.


this had gone to far.


"those that know dont talk". why?

keep it for yourself?


that is the definition of stagnation and corruption.


the normal you say?


to put it bluntly.. …