Anonymous ID: 234e28 Feb. 18, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.8179559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9576 >>9595 >>9603 >>9695 >>9710 >>9726 >>9821 >>9950

Justice Department picks US attorney to oversee all Ukraine (1 of 2)


A U.S. attorney has been designated to oversee all Ukraine-related investigations by federal prosecutors around the country. The Justice Department revealed on Tuesday that Richard Donoghue, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, was assigned to the task by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. Donoghue will “assist in coordinating … several open matters being handled by different U.S. Attorney’s Offices and Department components that in some way potentially relate to Ukraine according to a letter sent to the House Judiciary Committee. Donoghue, a St. John’s University School of Law graduate and Army Judge Advocate General Corps veteran, spent more than a decade as an assistant U.S. attorney and was working as the chief litigation counsel for a global tech company before becoming a U.S. attorney in 2018. “The Deputy Attorney General implemented this policy to avoid duplication of efforts across Department offices and components, to facilitate information sharing, to ensure there are no conflicts among potentially overlapping matters, and to efficiently marshal the resources of the Department,” Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler in the letter. Boyd told the New York Democrat that “the Department typically does not provide information relating to ongoing matters,” but decided to weigh in “to clarify the record” following “news reports and public comments from Members of Congress that have significantly distorted the public’s understanding of the Department’s handling of such cases.”


Earlier this month, Attorney General William Barr confirmed the Justice Department would assess information from Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s Ukraine-related investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. “We had established an intake process in the field so that any information coming in about Ukraine could be carefully scrutinized by the department and its intelligence community partners,” Barr said. “That is true for any information that comes to the department related to the Ukraine, including any information Mr. Giuliani might provide.” Barr said, “the DOJ has the obligation to have an open door to anybody who wishes to provide us information that they think is relevant” but noted, “We can’t take anything we receive from the Ukraine at face value.”


Democrats accused Trump of improperly pressuring Ukraine for political dirt on Biden and others in exchange for foreign aid, using Giuliani to conduct shadow diplomacy outside of normal channels by meeting with Ukrainians to conduct research on alleged corruption. After the Senate acquitted Trump on impeachment charges of Ukraine-related abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in early February, Giuliani said he was “ramping up” his investigations into the Bidens. Barr was dismayed to discover Trump grouped him in with Giuliani during the controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last July, which led to a whistleblower complaint and later impeachment. Trump said Giuliani could help Ukraine investigate the Bidens.


Barr was dismayed to discover Trump grouped him in with Giuliani during the controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last July, which led to a whistleblower complaint and later impeachment. Trump said Giuliani could help Ukraine investigate the Bidens. “I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call, and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call, and we will get to the bottom of it," Trump told Zelensky, according to a transcript of the call released by the White House. During the call, immediately after Zelensky expressed interest in purchasing anti-tank weaponry known as Javelins, Trump asked Zelensky “to do us a favor though” — to look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and possible Ukrainian election interference in 2016. Trump later urged Zelensky to investigate “the other thing,” referring to allegations of corruption related to the Bidens.


The assistant attorney general confirmed Tuesday that Scott Brady, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, was assigned by Rosen “to assist in the receipt, processing, and preliminary analysis of new information provided by the public that may be relevant to matters relating to Ukraine.” In a likely reference to Giuliani, Boyd said this was to “protect the integrity of ongoing matters, particularly with respect to unsolicited information offered to the Department.”

Anonymous ID: 234e28 Feb. 18, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.8179743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek, based on his sudden weight loss, I'd be willing to bet he's been doing nothing but that, surprising we haven't seen a paper trail under his fee.

Anonymous ID: 234e28 Feb. 18, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.8179904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>9950

Comey urges Barr to put DOJ reputation above 'angry, vindictive president'


Former FBI Director James Comey called on Attorney General William Barr to place the reputation of the Justice Department above the wishes of President Trump. "I have heard Barr say he doesn’t care about his legacy. Maybe not, but he should care about the reservoir," Comey wrote in an opinion piece published by the Washington Post on Tuesday. "The people of [the Justice Department] depend upon it. He should care enough about them — and the rest of us — to protect this vital American asset. The reputation of the Justice Department is more important than any of us, even an angry, vindictive president."


Barr has come under intense criticism since he intervened in the case of longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone, reversing course on a heavy sentencing recommendation. Democrats have accused Barr of acting more like Trump's personal lawyer than as the country's top law enforcement official.


This, Comey argued, does a disservice to the men and women who answer to the attorney general. "It is a hugely diverse collection of people who all depend on the same thing — an amazing gift they received on joining the department," Comey said. "It is a gift they might not have noticed until the first time they stood up and identified themselves as a Justice employee and said something — whether in a courtroom, a conference room or at a cookout — and found that total strangers believed what they said next."


Trump has routinely accused Comey and other FBI officials of harboring disdain for him and opening a counterintelligence investigation into his 2016 campaign out of political bias. He routinely derided that inquiry as a "witch hunt." Trump fired Comey in May 2017, after which Comey compared the president to a "mob boss." Comey's conduct as FBI director has been criticized in multiple DOJ inspector general reports but, so far, has not been charged with any crimes.


James Comey: Justice is supposed to be blind. Bill Barr can’t see that.