Anonymous ID: 6aaf9c Feb. 18, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.8179764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's The Biggest Sex-Abuse Bankruptcy Of All Time" - Facing 100s Of Lawsuits, Boy Scouts Of America Goes Chapter 11


When we last checked in on the Boy Scouts of America, the organization was reeling from a deluge of sex-abuse lawsuits that was soaking up all of its financial resources and attention, raising the possibility of a bankruptcy filing to help the organization escape the hefty penalties and allow the 110-year-old nonprofit to survive.


This strategy should be familiar to Zero Hedge readers by now: it's the same playbook used by opioid maker Purdue Pharma and troubled wildfire-starting California utility PG&E.


And on Tuesday, the organization finally followed through: According to Fox News, the BSA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Tuesday following decades of sex abuse claims by troop leaders.


The petition was filed in Delaware bankruptcy court, and will halt the hundreds of lawsuits that the organization is facing after several states passed laws allowing abuse lawsuits based on allegations stretching back to the 1960s to proceed against the organization.


In response to the bankruptcy filing, an attorney who is representing some 300 alleged victims said that the bankruptcy would be "bigger in scale than any other sex abuse bankruptcy."


"You’re talking about thousands of perpetrators," Seattle-based lawyer Michael Pfau, who has represented more than 300 Boy Scout victims in 34 states, told the New York Daily News. "You’re talking about tens of thousands of victims. This will be the largest bankruptcy the country has ever seen, and likely one of the largest corporate bankruptcies."


The scouts organization said it's filing for bankruptcy to guarantee that victims are fairly compensated for any abuse suffered during their time in scouting. A Victims' Compensation Trust will be set up during the bankruptcy process, which the organization says will allow for "equitable compensation."


The organization added that it wants scouting to survive:


"The BSA cares deeply about all victims of abuse and sincerely apologizes to anyone who was harmed during their time in Scouting. We are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to harm innocent children," said Roger Mosby, president and chief executive officer of the BSA.


"While we know nothing can undo the tragic abuse that victims suffered, we believe the Chapter 11 process – with the proposed Trust structure - will provide equitable."


The BSA has also published an "open letter to victims", which be found online, or as a full-page ad in the Feb. 19 edition of USA Today.

Anonymous ID: 6aaf9c Feb. 18, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.8179797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attacks will intensify, projection


Reports: Barr Considering Resigning Over Trump Tweets, ‘Interference’ in DOJ


Reports breaking Tuesday night by The Washington Post, ;ater confirmed by CNN, ABC News and the Associated Press state that Attorney General William Barr has told associates he is considering resigning over President Trump’s tweets and ‘interference’ with the Department of Justice.


CNN’s Kaitlin Collins reported, “CNN: Attorney General William Barr has considered resigning over President Trump’s interference with Justice Department matters, mainly his tweets, according to a source close to the situation.”


Reports: Barr Considering Resigning Over Trump Tweets, ‘Interference’ in DOJ

Avatar by Kristinn Taylor February 18, 2020 184 Comments


Reports breaking Tuesday night by The Washington Post, ;ater confirmed by CNN, ABC News and the Associated Press state that Attorney General William Barr has told associates he is considering resigning over President Trump’s tweets and ‘interference’ with the Department of Justice.


Attorney General William Barr, November 2019 file image.


CNN’s Kaitlin Collins reported, “CNN: Attorney General William Barr has considered resigning over President Trump’s interference with Justice Department matters, mainly his tweets, according to a source close to the situation.”


ABC News:


Just hours after President Donald Trump openly defied his public pleas to stop tweeting about criminal matters in the Justice Department, Attorney General Bill Barr told people close to Trump Tuesday that he is considering resigning over the tweets that Barr had previously told ABC News make it “impossible” to do his job, sources tell ABC News.


…In an exclusive interview with ABC News last week, Barr had warned Trump that his tweets about the DOJ, in particular the sentencing process of his former long-time advisor Roger Stone, were disrupting his ability to manage the department.


“I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody.” Barr said. “Whether it’s Congress, newspaper editorial boards, or the president. I’m gonna do what I think is right. And, you know, the, I think the — I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”


The AP:


Attorney General William Barr has told people close to him he’s considering quitting his post after President Donald Trump wouldn’t heed his warning to stop tweeting about Justice Department cases, an administration official told The Associated Press…


The Washington Post, which broke the story, headlined: “Barr has told those close to Trump he is considering quitting over the president’s tweets about Justice Dept. investigations”


Attorney General William P. Barr has told people close to President Trump — both inside and outside the White House — that he is considering quitting over Trump’s tweets about Justice Department investigations, three administration officials said, foreshadowing a possible confrontation between the president and his attorney general over the independence of the Justice Department.


So far, Trump has defied Barr’s requests, both public and private, to keep quiet on matters of federal law enforcement. It was not immediately clear Tuesday if Barr had made his posture known directly to Trump.


The administration officials said Barr seemed to be sharing his position with advisers in hopes the president would get the message that he should stop weighing in publicly on the Justice Department’s ongoing criminal investigations.


“He has his limits,” said one person familiar with Barr’s thinking, speaking on the condition of anonymity, like others, to discuss internal deliberations.


…Some people familiar with Barr’s thinking cautioned that he would not make a hasty decision to leave, and it is unclear what precisely would trigger him to take such a dramatic step…


President Trump spoke to reporters earlier Tuesday about Barr as he prepared to board Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, D.C. for a four day West Coast trip for campaigning and official business.