Anonymous ID: 66dcac Feb. 18, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.8180759   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very well done video. Thank Q.

At some point, those Patriots who had their lives destroyed for "resisting the Resistance" and staying true to their Oath to the Constitution and ROL would like the opportunity to serve again.

GEOTUS values loyalty; I hope that there is some mechanism for those who would like to be recalled to active duty to serve with duty, true loyalty and genuine affection for our POTUS can apply to do so. If those wrongdoers are taken out and held accountable, there should be ALOT of job openings to be filled - especially in the IC.

Is there any reason why people who are easily identified as pro-Trump are having their security clearance adjudications slow-rolled by the State Dept? It seems being pro-Trump is a liability, not an asset at the DoS. Maybe someone should do an audit or review of any clearance application that has stalled and taken more than 12 months to resolve. Hmmm……..

God Bless America, and God Bless our POTUS and First Family.

We are thankful for ALL of them and the sacrifices they ALL make for us.