Anonymous ID: 783667 Feb. 18, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.8180406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0492 >>0597 >>0732

DEVELOPING: Durham Expands Probe Into Special Counsel’s Activities – Interviews Several FBI Investigators Who Worked on Mueller’s Team


US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham has interviewed several FBI investigators who worked on Mueller’s team, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.


This further suggests “Durham’s probe may be expanding into the activities of the Special Counsel’s office,” Sperry added.


Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel in May of 2017 and had 40 FBI agents, intel analysts, and others working for him to investigate the ‘Trump-Russia collusion.’


Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani referred to the FBI agents working for Mueller as “stormtroopers.”


Most of the FBI agents were unknown to the public; however, two of the FBI officials working on Mueller’s team shot into the spotlight after their anti-Trump text messages were released to the public.


FBI counter-intel agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, were removed from Mueller’s team in the summer of 2017, after it was revealed they were sending each other anti-Trump text messages.


After over 500 witnesses interviewed and a $40 million tab, paid for by the taxpayers, Mueller concluded Trump didn’t conspire with Russia during the 2016 election.


The entire Russian collusion canard collapsed and newly-appointed AG Bill Barr said spying on Trump’s camp ‘did occur.’


Last May Attorney General Bill Barr assigned top special prosecutor John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia probe.


Mr. Durham, who was nominated by President Trump in 2017, has a history of investigating potential wrongdoing among National Security officials.

Anonymous ID: 783667 Feb. 18, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.8180430   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's going to be biblical


Luke 8:17


For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Anonymous ID: 783667 Feb. 18, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.8180588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Defence Forces to Establish New Directorate to Combat Iran Threat – Spokesman


The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) will conduct a significant reshuffle and establish a new directorate to plan military strategy and coordinate actions in the light of an increasing threat from Iran, an IDF spokesman announced on Tuesday.


"The directorate will pay more attention to military strategy and will focus on developing and planning a military campaign in relation to Iran", IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Hidai Zilberman said.


The creation of an Iran-focused directorate is part of a further reshuffle planned by Chief of Staff Lieut. Gen. Aviv Kochavi to be put into effect this summer, and the measures have been approved by Defence Minister Naftali Bennett.


"The changes are caused by the need to strengthen Israel's defences in the light of the growing threat from Iran, as well as the need to reorient the army towards resolving strategic issues," Zilberman added.


According to The Times of Israel newspaper, the new directorate, to be called the Strategy and Iran Directorate, will be led by an official with the rank of major general. The IDF currently has major generals in place to oversee operations against Hezbollah and Hamas, the newspaper reported.


The aim of the reshuffle project is to ensure that the IDF maintains air, intelligence and technological superiority over its enemies, the newspaper stated.


The new derectorate comes as part of the "multi-year" Momentum Plan - a large-scale, highly-elaborate and extremely expensive plan the IDF presented last week, envisaging a mammoth effort to refocus the nation's military for new types of combat challenges.–spokesman/


IDF to launch new Iran-focused directorate


New military branch is part of five-year plan for strengthening IDF's operational capabilities; plan envisions armed forces as more integrated and relying on advanced technological tools


Maybe they will fight their own fucking endless wars???!!!

Anonymous ID: 783667 Feb. 18, 2020, 9 p.m. No.8180656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU Will Deploy Warships Off Libya's Coast To Enforce UN Arms Embargo


Just after the EU’s foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell urged Europe to "develop an appetite for power" to better chart its own independent course in solving various international crises impacting Europe, the EU has agreed to deploy warships in order to enforce a United Nations arms embargo on the war-torn country.


The EU has stressed, however, that this is not an extension of its prior controversial mission to rescue migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean:


Josep Borrell, the EU’s chief diplomat, announced that 27 foreign ministers had agreed to launch a new operation with naval ships, planes and satellites in order to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya.


To counter objections that the operation could morph into a rescue mission, Borrell promised the ships would be withdrawn if they became “a pull factor” that encouraged people to attempt the risky crossing from Libya to Europe. This commitment helped lift opposition to the mission from Italy and Austria, whose governments had blocked an earlier compromise.


Going all the way back to the 2011 US-NATO intervention to topple Gaddafi, the north African country has existed in a state of anarchy with multiple governments and factions vying for control, and now Benghazi-based strongman Khalif Haftar is attempting to bring the country by force under his control in his bid to seize the capital.


This has set the stage for a major proxy war involving the UAE as the prime weapons supplier of Haftar, and Turkey as supplying weapons, drones, and even troops to the Tripoli Government of National Accord (GNA). Russia has also reportedly supplied Haftar's army with mercenaries from the Wagner group.




EU army? hmmm

Anonymous ID: 783667 Feb. 18, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.8180683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0726 >>0738

DOJ pushes back at reports Barr considered quitting over Trump tweets


The Justice Department pushed back Tuesday night at multiple reports claiming Attorney General William Barr told people close to him he's considering stepping down over President Trump's tweets, days after Barr admitted that Trump's tweeting made it "'impossible for me to do my job."


"Addressing Beltway rumors: The Attorney General has no plans to resign," DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec tweeted.


Barr "has his limits," one person familiar with Barr’s thinking told The Washington Post. Its report suggested that Barr wanted Trump to "get the message" to stop weighing in publicly in ongoing criminal cases. An administration official gave a similar admission on Barr to The Associated Press.


Barr, speaking to ABC News last week, also denied ever acting on improper influence from Trump or the White House. White House officials told the Post that the president had no plans to stop tweeting about Justice Department cases. He insisted he had a "legal right" to make his voice heard on criminal cases.


The White House did not immediately comment on the Tuesday night reports.


Trump tweeted Tuesday he's considering suing those involved in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation and said his confidant Roger Stone deserved a new trial after being convicted of witness tampering, obstruction and lying to Congress during the Mueller probe. Hours later, a Justice Department official revealed prosecutors had filed a sealed motion in court arguing the opposite, and that they had Barr's approval to do so.


Last week, Trump, in a late-night tweet, criticized a federal prosecutor's earlier recommendation that that Stone should be sentenced to seven to nine years in prison. Soon afterward, DOJ leaders adjusted the sentencing recommendation downward, saying it was clearly excessive given Stone's obstruction-related offenses. All four prosecutors on the case stepped down within hours.