Every so often we have to dig out the proofs that the R poster was merely AFLB…AGAIN.
you again.
Ok, go tell your parents that we are knee deep in end times, that everything is happening according to the Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine, that the demons are trying to force God's hand, that the followers of Evil eat us, sacrifice us, torture us for their amusement, edification and energy, and that the corrupt humans that work with them have poisoned us, plan to kill the vast majority of us, and control those that are left, that the guillotines were ready, that the bioweapons were ready, that the fema coffins and camps were all prepared, and the aluminum in our brains was on target to be activated. And it would be just that easy because they'd already calcified our pineals.
see how it works out for you with just those two people and then get back to us
then they are not ready to know. They have to arrive at this in their own time