Anonymous ID: d652ef Feb. 18, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.8181182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1249 >>1315

OK, anons, let me make sure I've got this right.

Dersh has said he has evidence, including official copies of FBI 302's that show that Obozo intervened in some way to influence a court decision for Soros.

POTUS sent a twat about the Stone sentencing. Mueller/Weinstein prosecutors pretended Hari Kari (pretended, because a Samurai pledge life), DOJ shysters ID themselves by signing Barr letter.

Barr tells Potus you make my life difficult.

POTUS says yup but implies its HIS job to make Barr's job difficult.

Barr, POTUS and documentary evidence show Barr and top deputies were appalled at Stone sentencing, prosecutor lies up the command chain, etc., Well before POTUS twat re: Stone.

In effect, POTUS was just commenting on a faite accompli.

A bunch of DOJ Atty's demand Barr step down.

The reason

Trump is interfering in an unsettled case. This is wrong.


But Dersh has evidence of Obozo actually interfering. POTUS is alledged to have interferred, but Barr is letting Stone judge decide punishment. Yes, this idiot judge let an anti-Trump atty be Stones jury foreman, it's known. What will she do?

Odds POTUS and Barr feud is contrived?

Odds the judge reviewing Soros matter is Stone judge?

Odds that POTUS that Dersh 302 is Strzock?

Odds that signatories to Barr resignation push resign en masse when they realize they fucked up?

Anonymous ID: d652ef Feb. 18, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.8181411   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rub a DubDub


>Asking the Q is not to gain the answer of who the PERSON is.

>Q is egging MSM on, knowing they're afraid of the answer.


It's Q being fucking cute.

If we are the news, why give creadance to the idiots in DC, MSNBS CNN? We shouldn't.

Given the propensity of humans to become lazy after victory, Q needed to keep our attention on MSM.

Unfortunately a tough talking pussy pussied, kept being a pussy, and never de-pussified. Ops slowed, Q revealed so much to us we don't need it answered, BUT

Q's little "ask the Q" thang caught fire.

We are the news has arrived, as Gorka's recent hostility proves. Asking the Q in 2018 summer, would have helped. It was a stop gap.

No longer necessary.

Anonymous ID: d652ef Feb. 18, 2020, 11:07 p.m. No.8181539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1566


>As I understand it, 'asking the question' effectively ends the game.

I believe that this was an attention getter morale pump for anons. In the suimmer of 2018, things were grim.

It was always illogical. What does asking POTUS the Q do?

In reality, nothing.

But we had Muh Declass, Muh Steele stuff, Muh Muh.

Our hand today, thanks to Q/POTUS is so WAY much stronger than then.

Hell, we thought the lynch pin was a piddly little weasle name Rod Rosenkike. We cheered when Lindsay Graham did THE RIGHT THING for Kavanaugh.Kav..Name a fucking Dim SCOTUS judge who had to go through that.

A victory then, only because our standards were low.

I'm not even worried, NOW, that Turtles judge filling is going ahead full steam. And if RGB were to fucking finally die, the worthless cunt, I wouldnt be HOPING POTUS appointment went through, while biting my nails, growling at MSM stories where Feinkike and Scumbag tell us how it's going to happen.

No, I'd laugh. And when Lindsay gavelled POTUS nominee for RBG, as Feinkike and Scumbag gawked, and Mitch moved for cloture, I'd be napping all comfy…NOW.

I don't need nor want the Q.

I want the Hand of Doom to descend on these fucks.

Q has done enough. He can continue to guide from the shadows.