Anonymous ID: 43498f Feb. 19, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.8184351   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4366 >>4394

MUST READ: Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich Was Imprisoned by Mueller, Comey and Deep State Gang – President Trump’s Release of Blago Sends Deep State a Message


President Trump’s commutation of former Illinois Governor Blagojevich may have more to do with dirty cops Comey, Mueller and Fitzgerald than anything else.


As was reported yesterday, President Donald Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence after previously floating the idea. Trump claimed the charges against Blago were “unfair.” President Trump commuted the former Democrat governor’s sentence on Tuesday.


MUST READ: Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich Was Imprisoned by Mueller, Comey and Deep State Gang – President Trump’s Release of Blago Sends Deep State a Message

Joe Hoft by Joe Hoft February 19, 2020 218 Comments


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President Trump’s commutation of former Illinois Governor Blagojevich may have more to do with dirty cops Comey, Mueller and Fitzgerald than anything else.


As was reported yesterday, President Donald Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence after previously floating the idea. Trump claimed the charges against Blago were “unfair.” President Trump commuted the former Democrat governor’s sentence on Tuesday.


As we reported last night, in his first interview at the Denver Airport Blagojevich thanked President Trump and noted how Democrats “don’t treat him [President Trump] very good.”


Former Governor Rod Blagojevich: The appropriate thing to say is I speak for Patty, for my daughters Amy and Annie and me when I express our most profound and everlasting gratitude to President Trump for doing what he did. He didn’t have to do it. This is a Republican president. I was a Democratic governor. And my fellow Democrats don’t treat him very good. So all I can say is I think this is the ending of the first act of a two act play. And tomorrow begins the second act and I think there’s a lot that has to be done in the second act.


Via CBS Local.


Rod Blagojevich Speaks After His Release From Prison — GREAT INTERVIEW


— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) February 19, 2020


Today Blago is planning to hold a presser at his home. It could be outstanding! This is because Blago was imprisoned by three Deep State crooks prominent in the fraudulent Mueller Special Counsel: Robert Mueller, James Comey and Patrick Fitzgerald.


Investigative reporter Marty Waters has been following the Deep State activities of Mueller, Comey, Fitzgerald and others for years. In August 2019 Waters predicted that Blago could be home by Christmas 2019, after President Trump commuting his sentence. Waters was only off by a couple months.


Waters claimed in August that the Deep State, led by Comey and Mueller, did the same thing with the fraudulent Mueller investigation sham as they did in the past. The create distraction, diversion and disinformation.


In the early 2000’s they created Plamegate to distract and divert from the billions lost in Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction narrative that got the US into the war. In the mid-2000’s, they created the Rezco/Blagogate scandals to cover up for Obama’s corrupt actions early in his administration and while in the US Senate. The Mueller investigation distracted from the many crimes involving Obama and the Clintons and was in the same mold as the prior sham investigations.

President Trump may know all of this which is why he pardoned Scooter Libby from the Plamegate hoax and now commuted Blago’s sentence.


Read moar here:

Anonymous ID: 43498f Feb. 19, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8184383   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Sanders campaign wages recount fight in Iowa


February 19, 2020 11:42 AM


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The fight over who won the Iowa caucuses isn't over just yet after Bernie Sanders's campaign asked for a recount.


Sanders, 78, and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, 38, both claimed victory in the first Democratic primary contest this month after Buttigieg received the most delegates, while the Vermont senator notched up the most raw votes statewide.


But with the delegate count forming the only path toward the 2020 presidential nomination, Sanders's camp wants another partial review of the results after the outcome of a recanvass released late Tuesday left Buttigieg with 563.207 "state delegate equivalents," the number by which national delegates are allocated, to his 563.127. As it stands, Buttigieg has 14 delegates to Sanders's 12.


“While it is clear that Sen. Sanders won the popular vote in Iowa by 6,000 votes, the recanvass process reduced the State Delegate Equivalent deficit by 97 percent,” Sanders campaign spokesman Jeff Weaver said in a statement.


Weaver added, “We now believe a recount will give Sen. Sanders enough State Delegate Equivalents to put him over the top by that metric as well. We want to thank the people of Iowa, our supporters, our volunteers and everyone who made this possible.”


The Iowa Democratic Party, under the new leadership of Mark Smith, late Tuesday, published the results of the limited-scope recanvass requested by the Buttigieg and Sanders teams. But the party announced the changes to official outcomes at 29 precincts, either because of incorrect caucus math or misapplication of caucus rules, didn't result in a national delegate reallocation.


Representatives for Buttigieg have until Wednesday night to join Sanders in asking for another review.


Smith was elected chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party over the weekend after Troy Price quit following the chaos of the caucuses.


On the day of the Feb. 3 contest, complaints emerged regarding a mobile application the Iowa Democratic Party rolled out to expedite the reporting process. When results weren't quickly returned that night, media speculation that a snafu had occurred was confirmed. The party then slowly released figures as they became available over the course of the next week, with those records still containing inconsistencies between initial and final caucus alignments the first time the mostly volunteer organization disclosed the full data set. The fiasco became a national embarrassment, even drawing criticism from Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.


While the Democratic field is focused on this Saturday's caucuses in Nevada and beyond, top-tier candidates are bracing for a protracted fight to become the party's standard-bearer, including Michael Bloomberg, who officially enters the race on March 3, or Super Tuesday..

Anonymous ID: 43498f Feb. 19, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.8184513   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Chinese Action Against Journalists


Press Statement


Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State


February 19, 2020


The United States condemns China’s expulsion of three Wall Street Journal foreign correspondents. Mature, responsible countries understand that a free press reports facts and expresses opinions. The correct response is to present counter arguments, not restrict speech. The United States hopes that the Chinese people will enjoy the same access to accurate information and freedom of speech that Americans enjoy.