Anonymous ID: 60b9d0 Feb. 19, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.8184098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4467

Persistent Shills: Passé (adjective)


b : behind the times

(tedious & pathetic hacks)

(Shill Tactics/Methods & Telltale Signatures)

1: Blatantly Obvious & Overt (Anti-Semitic Spam). (Beginning of every bread)

2: *(Tag-Team) ('Discouragement/Doubt-Sower' Anons). (Main player shouts(usually, "Nothing is habbening!") & responder(s) chime in & concur/reinforce thesis)

Note: *(Tag-Team method is prolly at work in most of these Shill Tactics.)

(moar subtle approach)

3: ('Analytical/Studious-Sounding' Anon). (Presents what sounds like a very "informed", "experienced", reasoned & authoritative analysis of this whole "Q" Phenomenon. Eventually ends in conclusion that "Q" is: A LARP, A Psyop or some sort of [DS] delaying tactic to lull anons into complacency.)

(yet moar subtle)

4: ('Concernfag') (This is moar difficult to discern. For there are many legit questions to be asked. So, NOT ALL concerns are unfounded. That's why this tactic can slip in moar subtly.)

5: The ('I've got a question' or 'Can anons help me with (this)' Anon). (Doesn't apply to legit tech questions or "on-topic" pertinent questions. These shill questions or challenges are presented to anons in an attempt to draw-out or 'expose'/'compromise' anons. = Subtle Trap)

6: ('Inside baseball'/'Connected' Anon). (Drops into breads with just enough legit sounding non-sauced data to get many anons drawn into lengthy conversations. Again, some of these 'mystery' anons may be legit, but of course it's hard to tell & discernment is up to each anon.)

Musings of an observer-anon.

Anonymous ID: 60b9d0 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.8184409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4419


>Trump Administration Officials To Reassign Victoria Coates From NSC – Was Labeled The “Anonymous” Author


>THIS Coates, not Dan Coates before Declass


>Victoria Coates

(Notable Connection - in her past)


(Victoria Coates) + Mr. "9/10/2001 - We can't account for $2.3 trillion at the Pentagon" (Donald Rumsfeld)


( - Bio excerpts)

…and an aide to Donald Rumsfeld.


According to National Review, Coates began blogging anonymously for RedState in the mid-2000s; her writing on foreign policy, national security, and art history was noticed by staffers in Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's office and was eventually noticed by Rumsfeld as well.


From 2007 to 2011, Coates was a senior research associate at the Rumsfeld Foundation (also associated with DHR Holdings, LLC in Washington, D.C.) as well as acting as editor and content analyst for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's 2011 memoir, Known and Unknown.

Anonymous ID: 60b9d0 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.8184533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Excellent list.

>I would only add the "I am confused" shill to #5.

#5 - Agreed, so many.

I forgot:

('POTUS Divorce-Sin' Anon)


('Your a "Slide-Shill"/'Your post is faggot' Anon)

Many others.

