Anonymous ID: c85f7a Feb. 19, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.8184241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4270 >>4281

Coronavirus Part 1 of 2


I’ll start with this article from 2017 about Wuhan getting its lab facilities…


Fast forward… July 2019: Two researchers were escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab In Canada due to being under investigation by the royal police.


They were the students of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. Qiu is a medical doctor and virologist who worked with deadly viruses like Ebola. The students were removed from level 4 virology facility which is a facility equipped to work on the deadliest human and animal diseases in the world, including bio-weapons.


Now it appears as if they were under investigation for sending viruses to China..




In short… “Qiu made at least five trips over the school year of 17-18 to Wuhan National Biosafety laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.”


Now, the Wuhan National Bio Lab is housed at the Chinese Military Facility Wuhan Institute of Virology, which of course is linked to Chinas Biological Warfare Program…


I can’t stress it enough that it appears that these people were Chinese Bio-Warfare Agents who worked for the Chinese Bio-Warfare Program, while at the same time working in Canada through a program, on the deadliest viruses/bio-weapons on the planet, all the while they were stealing them and sending them back to China. And it appears as if the Coronavirus was stored within these facilities as well…


Now what do we know about the Coronavirus. That it’s a man-made bio weapon. Its not even a secret at this point, with health officials and scientist verifying this. We know that Qiu had access to this virus and was possibly sending it to China.


Many details to all this but I’m just covering the basics in this post.

Now fast forward to Q’s drop #3842 where this link was shared…


The Harvard Professor who was charged was Dr. Charles Lieber. Lieber was The Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Harvard..


“Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017. China’s Thousand Talents Plan is one of the most prominent Chinese Talent recruit plans that are designed to attract, recruit, and cultivate high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security. These talent programs seek to lure Chinese overseas talent and foreign experts to bring their knowledge and experience to China and reward individuals for stealing proprietary information. “


Coincidence?! Im sure you’re already painting the picture at this point. More on the dots being connected…


Now I’d like to point your attention to a great article by Epoch Times about China and its history of feelings regarding bio-weapons…


So what does this all mean? Well it seems possible that China has gotten the Coronavirus from Canada by way of their spies as means to use it (on us?). At some point during Chinas research of the virus, maybe trying to weaponized it further, it got out and spread and all hell broke loose, in which they clearly have no idea how to deal with it since they don’t know shit about it. Ill show more proof of this in part 2.

Anonymous ID: c85f7a Feb. 19, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.8184270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281



Coronavirus Part 2 of (now) 3


So lets entertain that what I was saying in part 1 is the case or its at the least on the right path.


What shows us that China doesn’t have a clue about what they are dealing with? Everything..


Lets start randomly… The Chinese media is blaming the US and Russia for the virus outbreak, Numbers being massively under reported when compared to reports and the tons of videos and post on social media of people in China dead or dying or exposing whats really going on there, reports of Chinese authorities assassinating people they think are sick, reports from doctors in the front line, burning bodies at a rapid rate, no true way to test, on and on. What does that all show? That this is a bio-weapon or the likes of one, period, and if all these reports are correct, then people are dying from it left and right. It also shows that China has no idea how to react to it, treat it or contain it, how its spreads, not a damn thing.


Adding to that on Feburary 3rd it was reported that Taiwan sent a charter flight to pick up their people in Wuhan. China only agreed to this if China was able to be in charge of the evacuation process. Taiwan agreed and upon returning they realized that 20% of the people on the flight were rich, elite Chinese nationals (in which a few had the virus). Did those elites pay off the people on the plane to get them out of there or did the Chinese gov set this up? Point is, they were running. The rich and elite, the people with power in China, the ones who generally know wtf is up, but why? Get it now??


At this point we suspect what the virus is, we know what its doing in China, and we know China didn’t have a damn thing to do with an intentional release. Im not gonna hold your hand and show any more to do with the things I discussed. If you give a shit you know where to find them.


Now whats good in all this for China? The Chinese people are hip to whats happening, they are mad, upset, and all the above. Videos have been released of them chanting for freedom, and to be saved from all this. As more truths come out and as China does more to its people over this, one would think it would spark a revolution within China to be free for the first time ever. And to add, we recently learned of the plaque of locust that just touched down in China. So what happens when the Chinese people revolt while at the same time losing their crops and access to food?


The answer is in, whats good for America in all this? For starters, China gets cleaned. Think SA, NK, Iran.. How? Well, if we have the cure then what is our bargaining chip to clean house? On the flip side, what will happen when the Chinese people revolt and have no food, you really think America will sit back and not intervene to help? Ok, now what about economy and the US reliance on China? What happens when China can no longer ship their tvs and microwaves here? Amazon and others reporting they have halted shipping from China, Shipping container boats have reported they are currently shipping just 10% of what they use to…


What percentage of our medicine do we get from China?

Anonymous ID: c85f7a Feb. 19, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.8184281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4341




Coronavirus Part 3 or 3


So what would this all force us to do? Bring business back to America. New businesses will have to pop up like hot cakes to supply the demand we need that we will no longer have access to from China. It will force an economic boom like no other in America. Also think about what we were told about the virus, that it last forever in filth, specifically feces. Now where did the US Military set up their quarantine centers? Not just in major cities but where and what are those major cities? Border cities, sanctuary cities, cities with the highest homeless rates and highest rates of illegals who don’t go to the doctor. What have we seen with homelessness in places like CA, shit everywhere, literally.


So will the spread of the virus coupled with the radical democratic policies within these cities be the excuse the Military needs to clean these cities out?


So why do I think we have the cure? Simple.. Its man-made, we don’t have shit that’s man made we don’t have a cure for, plus look at the numbers.. The outbreak starts in China, at this point 75k is infected, with 2k deaths. We all know that’s massively under reported. We all know this mainly due to social media. Now how many infected in the US? 15 verified, and what were the stories of some of them people? Were they detected late, let go and came back, etc..? So what percentage of those people that have it, went out into the world and possibly passed it on to what percentage of people that all these people deal with on a daily basis of their lives..? At this point, due to what we know about China and the spread, the US would be a lot more infected by now, at least there would be a shit ton of reports on social media about it, but theres not really that many in the US. Why? An anon pointed out the other day a theory, upon noticing the uptick in chemtrails, that maybe if the white hats knew it was coming they been giving us the cure for a while now as preparations. Maybe in the water, or food, who knows but it’s a possibility…? Project Looking Glass?


We know “they” were going to nuke us. But when Trump won and that didn’t work, so was it weaponized 5G they relied on next? But then when Trump shut all that Huawei shit down did they turn to a bio-weapon as their means? If I am at least half right we will know in the coming weeks, it will verify as known and planned. Project Looking Glass. Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing!