Anonymous ID: e45fb4 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.8184400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4414 >>4559

Turkey faces strategic defeat in Idlib after failing to live up to its commitments on Syria


Under the 2018 Sochi agreement, Turkey was supposed to disarm and disassociate itself from the terrorist organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Its failure to do so has sown the seeds of Turkey’s inevitable defeat in Syria.


When Turkey threw its weight behind the anti-Assad rebellion in 2011, it did so believing that it would be able to dictate the outcome on the ground by controlling the main organized resistance forces, namely the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), formed from the ranks of defectors from the Syrian Army and various bands of Islamist fighters affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. But the rebellion took on a life of its own, and in 2012 a Syrian Islamist fighting for Al-Qaeda in Iraq returned to Syria to form a new resistance organization loyal to Al-Qaeda which became known as the Al Nusra Front.


Over time, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani’s Al Nusra Front emerged as the most effective anti-regime combat organization, surpassing the Turkish-controlled FSA for relevance on the battlefield. Al Nusra Front’s Al-Qaeda affiliation, however, impaired its ability to receive outside funding, arms and equipment, and starting in 2015 Al Nusra Front underwent a series of rebranding efforts, before assuming its current name, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), in early 2017. But the rebranding efforts could not alter the fact that HTS remained a designated terrorist group in the eyes of much of the world, including Turkey.


Today, Jolani’s HTS comprises the bulk of the 30,000 or so anti-regime fighters operating in Idlib province, the last bastion of rebel-controlled territory in Syria. The Syrian Army, backed by pro-Iranian militias and the Russian Air Force, has been attacking both FSA and HTS positions in Idlib since 2015 to restore Syrian government authority over the area. In September 2018, to spare the civilian population in Idlib from the depravations of war, a ceasefire was agreed to by the leaders of Russia, Turkey, and Iran during a summit convened in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi.

Anonymous ID: e45fb4 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.8184416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4463 >>4559

“There Must be JUSTICE”: President Trump Morning Tweet Storm About AG Barr and DOJ Asserts Presidential Authority


President Trump went on a tweet storm Wednesday morning, firing off a comment and over a dozen retweets within an hour, mostly retweets of Congressional allies and conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch. The tweet storm follows the leaks Tuesday night to the media that Barr was considering resigning over Trump’s tweets, which he had complained about in a recent interview. A Barr spokeswoman said late Tuesday night Barr was “has no plans to resign”.


The retweets were generally supportive of Barr, with some urging stronger actions by him, but some also asserted Trump’s role of ultimate boss of the Justice Department as the President.


Trump is apparently showing that his tweets must be answered by Barr with action, not complaints and leaks to the media.


Even as Barr has complained about Trump’s tweets hurting his ability to oversee the Justice Department, both he and Trump have been under heavy assault by the Deep State this week: An emergency meeting of Federal judges is planned for Wednesday afternoon about Trump’s comments and Barr’s intervention in the Roger Stone case sentencing and a letter now signed by over 2000 former DOJ attorneys and staffers calling in Barr to resign.


Trump traveled to the West Coast Tuesday for a four day, four state trip of campaign and official events.


Trump’s first tweet proclaimed, “There must be JUSTICE. This can never happen to a President, or our Country, again!” He followed with over a dozen retweets, several of which asserted Trump’s authority over the Justice Department with one citing previous presidents in recent history who intervened in cases and gave orders to the DOJ.


Significantly, Trump retweeted Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton who called on Barr to clean house and suggested Trump appoint a special counsel, “Barr should clean house at DOJ…@realDonalldTrump (sic),was the victim of a seditious conspiracy out of DOJ/FBI, etc. President Trump can also appoint a special counsel directly.”


Trump kicked off the tweet storm keying off Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) who tweeted, “There are high expectations that the Justice Dept will very soon deliver transparency & ACCOUNTABILITY regarding DOJ/FBI officials who weaponized the awesome powers at their disposal in order to target the Trump campaign. Frustrated Americans demand justice! ⚖️ It’s LONG overdue!”


Trump said in response, “There must be JUSTICE. This can never happen to a President, or our Country, again!”


Trump followed by retweeting two Zeldin posts from a Monday, including one that defended Barr, “Angry is a big time understatement. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler should be stripped of their gavels and the Dems should be removed from power in Nov for their corrupt, rigged, rushed impeachment, hijacking Congress to appease a radical activist liberal base. Angry? Buckle up!”



Anonymous ID: e45fb4 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.8184429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4462 >>4485 >>4559

It’s Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON’T Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama’s Blagojevich Interview …What Are They Hiding?


President Donald Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence on Tuesday.


President Trump previously floated the idea of commuting Blago’s sentence, claiming the charges against him were “unfair.”


They were.


And on Tuesday Trump commuted the former Democrat governor’s sentence.


In his first interview at the Denver Airport Rod Blagojevich thanked President Trump and noted how Democrats “don’t treat him very good.”


Former Governor Rod Blagojevich: The appropriate thing to say is I speak for Patty, for my daughters Amy and Annie and me when I express our most profound and everlasting gratitude to President Trump for doing what he did. He didn’t have to do it. This is a Republican president. I was a Democratic governor. And my fellow Democrats don’t treat him very good. So all I can say is I think this is the ending of the first act of a two act play. And tomorrow begins the second act and I think there’s a lot that has to be done in the second act.


Blagojevich then told CBS Local he wants a banana split.


There’s much more to this story that may be revealed in the coming days.


As Joe Hoft previously reported — Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich Was Imprisoned by Mueller, Comey and Deep State Gang – President Trump’s Release of Blago Sends Deep State a Message


And Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch posted this interesting report on Twitter after Blago’s release.


Over 11 years ago, the FBI interviewed Barack Obama about the sale of his Senate seat in Illinois. There is an FBI “302” report of interview. But rather than releasing document, the DOJ has fought Judicial Watch tooth and nail to keep the document secret!

Wonder why?

Anonymous ID: e45fb4 Feb. 19, 2020, 9:20 a.m. No.8184443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4559

MUST READ: Former Illinois Governor Blagojevich Was Imprisoned by Mueller, Comey and Deep State Gang – President Trump’s Release of Blago Sends Deep State a Message


President Trump’s commutation of former Illinois Governor Blagojevich may have more to do with dirty cops Comey, Mueller and Fitzgerald than anything else.


As was reported yesterday, President Donald Trump commuted former Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich’s sentence after previously floating the idea. Trump claimed the charges against Blago were “unfair.” President Trump commuted the former Democrat governor’s sentence on Tuesday.


As we reported last night, in his first interview at the Denver Airport Blagojevich thanked President Trump and noted how Democrats “don’t treat him [President Trump] very good.”


Former Governor Rod Blagojevich: The appropriate thing to say is I speak for Patty, for my daughters Amy and Annie and me when I express our most profound and everlasting gratitude to President Trump for doing what he did. He didn’t have to do it. This is a Republican president. I was a Democratic governor. And my fellow Democrats don’t treat him very good. So all I can say is I think this is the ending of the first act of a two act play. And tomorrow begins the second act and I think there’s a lot that has to be done in the second act.


Today Blago is planning to hold a presser at his home. It could be outstanding! This is because Blago was imprisoned by three Deep State crooks prominent in the fraudulent Mueller Special Counsel: Robert Mueller, James Comey and Patrick Fitzgerald.


Investigative reporter Marty Waters has been following the Deep State activities of Mueller, Comey, Fitzgerald and others for years. In August 2019 Waters predicted that Blago could be home by Christmas 2019, after President Trump commuting his sentence. Waters was only off by a couple months.


Waters claimed in August that the Deep State, led by Comey and Mueller, did the same thing with the fraudulent Mueller investigation sham as they did in the past. The create distraction, diversion and disinformation.


In the early 2000’s they created Plamegate to distract and divert from the billions lost in Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction narrative that got the US into the war. In the mid-2000’s, they created the Rezco/Blagogate scandals to cover up for Obama’s corrupt actions early in his administration and while in the US Senate. The Mueller investigation distracted from the many crimes involving Obama and the Clintons and was in the same mold as the prior sham investigations.

President Trump may know all of this which is why he pardoned Scooter Libby from the Plamegate hoax and now commuted Blago’s sentence.


Waters reported in 2018 in the Canada Free Press that the Mueller, Comey and Fitzgerald band was back together:


The Mueller, Comey & Fitzgerald Band is back together. Again.


So what’s this about? Inquiring minds want to know—but the TMP and the MSM seem not to know.


Before going there, let’s go back in time to Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald and his investigation that led to the convictions of a Chicago real estate broker, and the Governor of Illinois.


Once upon a time Antoin “Tony” Rezko was a fundraiser for both Republicans and Democrats in Illinois—where the space between the two parties is no thicker than a Cubs’ ballpark ticket.


Tony was a particularly active fundraiser for Illinois Governor Rod “Blago” Blagojevich, to whose campaigns he personally donated $117,652, and bundled other contributions amounting to $1,439,000.


While F.B.I. Agents and the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald, were investigating Rezko as a means to gather evidence against Blagojevich, Rezko was also one of three members of the campaign finance committee for an Illinois State Senator running for the U.S. Senate, Barack H. Obama. Valerie Jarrett, then President of a firm that managed public housing, and Alison Davis, Obama’s boss in a law firm that catered to Chicago slum landlords, were the other two members of the Obama for U.S. Senate Campaign Committee.