Anonymous ID: 3b4e1a Feb. 19, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8185444   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5463

Who Will Be Q Team's First Arrest For "Mass Public Awakening"?


The moar I think about who will be the First Arrest that will be a "shot heard around the world" and cause "mass Public Awakening" as per Q, it would be …HUSSEIN.


POTUS' recent statement: "I was investigated".


The Lead-in seems to be Spygate, because the DOJ, FBI and C_A traitors were all under Obama's 8 years as President. He had knowledge and/or gave the orders to surveil/investigate Candidate Trump, and to undermine President-elect Trump.

Then Obama shadowing President Trump to every country, before or after President Trump visited, even though Obama was out-of-office.


However, the Big Shock Arrest would be to reveal evidence proving that Obama was Not Eligible to be President in the first place.The Phony Birth Certificate


That the American people had an Illegitimate President for 8 Years!


What Bigger Corruption can Q and Q+ show the American people to wake them up than this?(The child rape, torture/trafficking stuff is too distubing to start disclosure with)


After the Obama FRAUD Presidency is revealed to the public, then the public will find it easy to believe all the rest of the massive Corruption that has rotted our country at all levels.


When proven that the Obama Presidency is the Biggest Fraud in American history, even the Clinton Foundation Fraud would pale in comparison.


Think about it, millions of Americans were tricked into voting for Hussein, who was not even eligible to run for President of the United States.


This would effectively destroy the Democrat Party for 100 years.


Hillary being the First Arrest runs a distant second, although Q's "a shot heard around the world", and POTUS saying "CONCORD" points towards ….Bill Clinton because "Concord Hymn" is Bill Clinton's favorite poem, and he even read the poem on some Poetry Project years ago.But that could be a mis-direct by Q and POTUS ……