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Robert Gibbs

Robert Gibbs, 45 years Researching the Bible

Updated Feb 4

The Hebrew words sheʹvet and mat·tehʹ are frequently translated “rod” and “staff.” Sheʹvet has the meaning of a staff, stick, or rod (for support) and is also rendered “crook” (as a shepherd’s crook or staff). (Le 27:32)


Rods or staffs were used for support (Ex 12:11; Zec 8:4; Heb 11:21) and for defense or protection allowing a person to fend off an attack by an assistant on wild animal while maintaining a distance from the attacker. One’s staff was considered a valuable personal possession, and some staffs were identifiable as belonging a certain individual. In the Bible account Judah gave Tamar his staff and his signet ring as security until he should send her a kid of the goats in payment for his relations with her. She showed his staff and ring as proof that he had fathered her child. (Ge 38:18, 25)


Shepherds used their rods (or crooks) in leading the flock, to manage and help them and to defend them against wild animals. As a loving shepherd takes care of his flock, he shows them the right way to go, and they gladly follow him. Even when there is trouble all around them, they do not need to be afraid. A shepherd uses his rod or his staff to protect the sheep from animals that might harm them. The Bible tells about how the young shepherd David protected his sheep from a lion and a bear. (1 Samuel 17:34-36) And God’s people know that Jehovah will protect them too. They can feel safe because God is with them.


Jehovah really loves his sheep, and he tenderly cares for them. The Bible says: ‘Like a shepherd he will lead his own sheep. With his arms he will collect the little ones together.’—Isaiah 40:11.


Chieftains “or the leader of a tribe” carried a rod as a symbol of authority. Therefore the Bible often uses the rod to symbolize the authority one has or the authority vested in him by another.



'Rod' may also refer to the Rod and Staff held by a shepherd to herd and protect their flock.


And ye as I walk through the valley of the shadow of the death, I shall fear no evil

for thy rod, and thy staff

they comfort me.


Comfy bread