Anonymous ID: 81ab83 Feb. 19, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8185633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5723


TY Baker!!!


>>8184945 (lb)

>>8185011 (lb)

Barr story = nonsense for MSM to chase their tails on.


JA Witness/Pardon:

Why even bring it up? Seriously; JA stated "no Russia" long before Rauarabauscshh claims to have offered @POTUS the perfect solution:


Rauchahahglka;a; didn't talk about his meeting with Julian until September 2017. That's 9 months after JA already stated Russia didn't have shit to do with shit. So WHY would JA bring this up in court?

  1. Perhaps that offer came from @POTUS long before he became @POTUS (during the campaign trail).

  2. It means he is upholding his end of the bargain that was discussed a LONG time ago when he was handed his part of the script.


The long/short of it is this. Either JA was lying then (he wasn't, because Seth Rich), or he's stirring up shit/lying now to toss egg in @POTUS' face to make it look like @POTUS influenced JA's statements long ago (he didn't). It's a movie, remember?



JA ran WL.

WL had all the makings of an espionage outfit parading as a journalism safe haven. This is debatable, but all the signs were there.

Who, do pray tell, possibly benefited the most from WL besides JA? Think big money.


Anons should keep an open mind, here. Shit ain't always what it appears to be. Maybe JA finally got his hands on what was needed to take them all down? Awesome. Doesn't mean he was always such a wonderful awesome dude, either. He was a player, just like everyone else in this game. PDJT is known to us, at least, as the ONLY clean player, here. Gotta assume everyone else's motivations for getting the job done is lesser punishments/freedom. JA is no exception.

Anonymous ID: 81ab83 Feb. 19, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8185800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Australia (as we're learning) is just as much of a hotbed for the grooming/trafficking as everywhere else. JA might have deeply personal roots in that, and could help explain how he ended up head of WL. JA could have gotten paid handsomely for speaking engagements, but WL needed backing; even though it was as small an outfit that it was. Not to mention that after shit with the site and JA went down, other people working for or with WL suddenly started dying.


Then, there's the CDAN article with jaw-dropping claims that, when you sit and think about it, fits perfectly.