Request timeline advancement
Loosing the race to the bottom here. $$$ loss is outrunning restoration of republic.
Can replace occupation, love to investigate, have own gear.
Request timeline advancement
Loosing the race to the bottom here. $$$ loss is outrunning restoration of republic.
Can replace occupation, love to investigate, have own gear.
Your opponent must:
Control your ability to move.
Control your ability to communicate
Control your ability to shoot.
Who is/or attempting to do that to you.
You have found your opponent.
Could it be…?
Who is the target of clown /nwo war:
>Russia kicked out the cabal central bank, they hate Russia for that and will work for the rest of eternity to destroy them for it.
>Russia can not be controlled any longer.
No they won't it'll be the great mystery of our time. For decades after this is over, people will be digging for the Q identity. Q's not stupid, they know to keep their moniker in the news
Yea, the founders didn't intend for what we have to have.
$$$$$ is the only thing that should limit your ability to own something. You want a tank to help defend your town, buy one. Want ma deuce in your garage? Save your pennies.
You know, 200 years from now, students could learn about 'us' as the 'restorers' of the republic just as we learn about the founders. the only thing stopping us is our courage. The founders were viewed as criminals and terrorists by the 'government / crown' of their time.
self fulfilling prophecy.
Drudge is showing us that POTUS says I hate X and X stock crashes.
better be. The Peoples Democratic Republic of Kalifornia is a sneezing dragon in a tower full of high explosives