No fucks given. we've been commie infiltrated for a century. this has manifested itself in what we sewe today, schools and .gov. 12 Million, those are rookie numbers. lets make it 250 mil.
I'm not a Putin fanboy, but Putin has done more for his people and nation + Christianity for them than his previous 4 predecessors.
Putin, isn't a "friend" of the USA but a formidable ally, who told the Cabal F-You.
I wanted to type 6. anyone could tell the diiference. I didn't "bug out" but placed myself in a position where myself and mine would be fine. go shove a rubber cement coated grade A industrial glove coated with broken glass up your ass. :) Oh and dogshit, (you) I am not rich and keep up a lil homestead, I don't live in an inner city box, but I hope those who do and their grandmas who voted for this shit as part of "the greatest generation" die.