Anonymous ID: 471a07 Feb. 19, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.8186568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6652



Has the “natural order” of things

been disrupted?

How much influence does the media control matrix really have on our lives and who benefits from it?

(Hint: it’s not the working class)

See for yourself @



Les économistes, a group of 18h Century Enlightenment French Philosophers, had firm faith in the philosophy of natural order. According to them it is an ideal order given to them by god, which allowed human beings to live together in an ideal society.The natural laws are the expression of the will of God. Thus, men did not come together via a somewhat arbitrary "social contract". Rather, they had to discover the laws of the natural order that would allow them to live in a society without losing significant freedoms.

Natural order aimed at securing happiness to the people, and increasing the rights of the people without imposing any restrictions on their liberty. Les économistes

believed that natural order maintained equilibrium in nature. The concept of natural order produced certain important practical results. It implied that only under conditions of freedom, man can enjoy the maximum happiness and derive maximum advantage in economic matters.


“Physiocracy has reference to a school of economic thought that flourished in France during the second half of the 18th century. The physiocrats did not call themselves by this label, but referred to themselves simply as les économistes. However, as the term economist acquired a broader meaning in the 18th century, it became customary to distinguish these economists from others by dubbing them physiocrats.

The word physiocracy, coined in 1767 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, means “the rule of nature.” This meaning suggests that economic phenomena are governed by natural laws that operate independently of human will and intention, including the decrees of legislators. “The most important idea of the Physiocrats,” notes the historian Scott Gordon, “was that economic processes are governed by laws of nature in such a way that the economic world, like the natural world, is, or can be, a system of spontaneous order.”