Soo back to the convo about Spielberg daughter illuminati mind control generational satanism.
Anyone read this?
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
More info:
Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control
relating to:
>>8185518 pb
>"Steven Spielberg's daughter launches adult entertainment career, says dad supports her sex worker ambitions
>…The 73-year-old director's daughter opened up about past abuse by "predators" during her early years by "outsiders" who had no relation to the "Jaws" filmmaker. She's also been open about her borderline personality disorder."
>(From Mikeala Spielberg's Instagram)
>I was such a determined child, here's a photo of me marching away from Bill Clinton at a family gathering 👏🏽 ✨, I've always been this strong and bold; lately I've forgotten that it's ok to be who I was in this photo. If there's anything that illustrates perfectly how I am today, it's this. I yield to nobody 😂
>#babypictures #mikaelaspielberg #marching #march #bravesouls #nashvilleartist #fyou #antifascist