Anonymous ID: f07b83 Feb. 19, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.8187134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Killing Corona, UVC light, Steam Cleaning, HPSteam, Clothes Dryers, and …

….Redditfags GTFO.


Hi Anons,

Just dropped in for research break…. had to laugh and gripe some, get it out of my system:


Just research notes to self, in case anyone else working on this.



Redditfags being treated to calls for censorship, while discussing UVC lighting to kill corona, in addition to other news stories. Complaining about "Dangerous Myths" (pic related)



We the People have the right to risk our lives.

We maintain our right to be astronauts, water divers, sky divers, race car drivers, and DIE because of these activities, and others.


And yes, we the people maintain the right to ponder "myths" about deadly viruses without government daddy's and moderators.


Corona Virus Censorship artists:

You have the right to put your skirt over your head.

You have a right not to read.

You have the right to remain silent.

We have the right to help ourselves through the myths, and even to go to China if invited, to help the Chinese people.


Any attempt to censor for the "greater good" can and WILL be held against you in the court of internet public opinion.

Government and Moderator Daddy types:




Meanwhile, back at the research ranch….


Been collecting decontamination methods for a few days.

Hive mind is really cooking it up.


UVC lighting needs special distance/time relation taken into consideration. 25-60 watts. They have units that go in the furnace to clean the air as it goes by. Units for rooms, even hand held flashlights.

Steam cleaning must be 5 seconds or more, but works great.

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide works. Hospitals using HP steam in empty rooms as well as UV light.


For clothes:

Covid 19 tolerates freezing, but, does not tolerate heat as well.


Temperature of 56C or 132F for 30 minutes will kill it.

So you dry the clothes, and then run for another cycle on HIGH, to do a decontamination for clothing. (This works great for head lice too, had experience with that)


After clothes are finished drying, there is no longer evaporation cooling, so the dryer temp will reach 135 if set on High. You need 30 minutes to decontaminate clothing. Do not know what these temps will do to medical masks or special clothing. (pic related)


Working on what the hospitals are doing most recently for environmental kill of CDiff and MRSA etc. Also works on Corona most times.


Hospitals have really gotten wild with the silver ions, and some copper applications to the stainless steel sinks etc.

Will include this stuff.

(Yeah, I know, we are quacks for talking about it, while they race to put silver in hospital gowns, hospital floor tiles, hospital paints etc) Pic Related.

Look here, dont look there.


Should "Necessity" become the mother of invention here, just remember that every virus killing discovery made by the hive mind internet will spawn numerous new busnesses, and kill MANY other kinds of viruses, in addition to helping bloated confused self absorbed government bureaucracies know what can be done when they finally get off their butts and quit trying to cow tow to the cowards.


Just wish I had reddit account to go blast these police state redditor creeps. :(

Gripe over.