Anonymous ID: 7284b5 Feb. 19, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.8188086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8187615 (pb)

Water Crisis & Peak Oil Hoaxes and Suppressed Technologies


The entire coming water crisis is a cabal op. There are oceans of the most pure H2o never contaminated in the relatively shallow surface hydrological cycle with nuclear testing radiation and every other manner of man-made contamination. These deeper ocean-sized aquifers are known as "primary water" aquifers. Like the "climate change" hoax, the cabal has been setting up the World for an imminent water shortage crisis while the globalist elite continue to buy up surface land which overlay the shallowest access points to these vast pristine potable oceans.


It is very telling that the subject area of "primary water", advances in the quantum sciences, anti-grav and free energy WON'T be found in the curricula of the Country's top schools as the Cabal has hidden these studies and research developments within the bowels of government funded programs completely inaccessible to the top tier students of the 99%. It isn't just "Common Core" which has been dumbing-down the U.S. public education systems.


If what Q has told us is true, as these disclosures slowly become public they will completely transform, for the better, every aspect of our and the World's societies.


This "water crisis hoax" also mirrors the "peak oil hoax" fear-mongering that mankind is close to depleting petroleum deposits created from the decay of organic material and extinct species, a.k.a. "dinosaur oil". The truth is similar to that of the hydrological v. primary water scam.


Can't wait until all these earth truths along with the suppressed technologies, e.g., zero point Teslian free energy, anti-grav, interstellar and inter-dimensional travel, quantum marvels and cures for everything are wrested from cabal control and are used to transform and bring a forever peace to the Planet.