Anonymous ID: dc0a01 Feb. 19, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.8189850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Letter to the 2,000 Anti-Trump Ex-DOJ Lawyers: Where’s Your Outrage to These 27 DOJ-FBI Crimes?


After Attorney General Bill Barr intercepted the excessive 7 to 9-year sentence against Roger Stone last week, over 2,000 former DOJ lawyers released a signed letter demanding AG Bill Barr resign.


In response to the anti-Barr outrage letter, a legal assistant in Orange County, California, by the name of Selma Kerren, is demanding the lawyers in question release an equally outraged letter condemning the 27 crimes and frauds perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ against the American people; many of which were begrudgingly declassified by FOIA requests and exposed by the recent Horowitz Report.


Selma Kerren contacted on Monday, the platform hosting the DOJ Alumni Statement, asking its administrators to forward a challenge to the array of lawyers calling for Barr’s resignation.


Kerren also sent two emails to Attorney Donald B. Ayer, a DOJ Bush appointee, who turned up on CNN and blasted AG Barr with scathing contempt, even though Ayer was fully aware that Barr’s decision to intercept Roger Stone’s excessive sentence, was made long before Trump’s controversial tweet. Needless to say, Don Ayer nor any of the lawyers replied.


“Well, how could they possibly,” Kerren laughed. “They’re all feckless desperados trying to hide their own complicity.”


Here is Selma Kerren’s challenge to the array of attorneys:


“Since you are so concerned with the rule of law, demand is made that you immediately release a letter condemning the 27 felonies and frauds listed below, perpetrated against the American people, as follows:


  1. Judge Amy Berman-Jackson poisoned Roger Stone’s jury pool by:


a. Throwing out a conservative juror because she worked for the Reagan campaign “30 years ago.”


b. Accepting a juror who is MARRIED to one of the lawyers working on the Mueller case against Trump.