Tanks Bakes
>Witness protection for non-dead SR?
They're Jews.
They made a deal.
The check didn't bounce.
Isn't that like totally normal human behavior?
>I really hope he gets to fully debrief the right people and shed light on just how dirty and deep the Cabal has their hooks. In short I hope he survives long enough to get the truth out there!
Blags a fucking top level Chicagoland gangsta.
As long as enough USSS protects his family, he'll be alright. The power structure is hardly monolithic
>I know that but since POTUS and Don Jr twatted the WWG1WGA shirt vid, by asking about it weโd be bringing attention to it, question would get asked.
Fucking OPSEC anon. FFS
How much moar do you need!
>You're making shit up. Some anyway.
I eat it like candy.
Keeps me regular so I can be a raging asshole.
>ubris? Incompetence? Or industrial espionage/organizational infiltration?
>Am wondering the same.
They hired Pajeets. They think pot holes are toilets, and cows destroying a crop a blessing. They bath in shit filled rivers downstream from cities and think they're clean.
Then they go to work and are told to redesign an airplane.
They fall on the floor in fear and awe viewing the Boeng flight test video, thinking some weird multi appendaged god is about to sweep them into the spirit world.
>What are Boeing's hiring practices for production line employees?
>Diversity hires? Quotas? Outsourcing components to some shithole halfway across the globe?
Really nigger.
It's just some here are proud of our Q.
And then there are some that report us to tranny jannies on half/pol
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