not through meditation. Through anlocking Chakras in various orders through sex magic. Rsch Crowley's Thelema. He brought it to Europe from the far East. They unock the chakras in specific orders to produce magic cum that they drink. Why we call them cum guzzlers. Most of their kids are from sex orgies unless needing to use a specific bloodline or something which happens on occasion. They don't know whose kid it is until well after born and no emotional tie to it. All MK ultra'd by other families and later brought into the fold by the cult once conditioned. By this time they have usually already been broken down and spirit transfers and various splits in the mind have occurred. Some ultimately become unaware horrific things even took place until they are triggered by the cult. All has been extensively rsch'd here if this is new to anyone. Either straight from the cults books or through Clown Show documents we have gotten our hands on.