Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 12:24 a.m. No.8192799   🗄️.is 🔗kun



not through meditation. Through anlocking Chakras in various orders through sex magic. Rsch Crowley's Thelema. He brought it to Europe from the far East. They unock the chakras in specific orders to produce magic cum that they drink. Why we call them cum guzzlers. Most of their kids are from sex orgies unless needing to use a specific bloodline or something which happens on occasion. They don't know whose kid it is until well after born and no emotional tie to it. All MK ultra'd by other families and later brought into the fold by the cult once conditioned. By this time they have usually already been broken down and spirit transfers and various splits in the mind have occurred. Some ultimately become unaware horrific things even took place until they are triggered by the cult. All has been extensively rsch'd here if this is new to anyone. Either straight from the cults books or through Clown Show documents we have gotten our hands on.

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 12:31 a.m. No.8192833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2849 >>2852

Rsch the story of the Golden Phallus and it's relation to Horus. Some say the Golden Phallus still exists and is used by the Chair on women in the highest level rituals. Rumor it was used on Princess D.

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.8192867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094



Advanced Yogis can do this to reach the astral plane yes. Most can't. Most use a cocktail of shrooms or DMT from roots of Mimosa trees or from the DMT in adrenalized pineal glands. They are forced to only use the pineal glands from certain countries bc fluoride and other chemicals calcify it and make it ineffective as many know. They prefer Chinese Falun Gong and Haitians to my knowledge.

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 12:44 a.m. No.8192893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2941 >>2956 >>3091


^ Steve Jobs had just spent months in meditation w his Yogi when he came up with the I phone. He gave his Yogi the credit :)


You're on point anon. It's where we get most of our tech. Rsch Ramdanajan who came up with the math for the nuclear bomb. He didn't even know what the numbers meant he just wrote down what he saw. Oppenheimer openly credited him for the math that made tehm successful.

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 12:54 a.m. No.8192941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2984 >>3007 >>3038


I could get killed 3 times over for saying this but a guy from Jobs' book named Wavy Gravy(signed as a cosigner on an early Jobs loan, also sold him acid) still runs an operation in Northern California a few exits up from Laytonville. It's called the Hogfarm. I worked on it trimming pot for about a month 7 years ago. He leases out parts of the land for growers to grow. Not official leases obv but each grow op gives him a vig. A lot of stories i could tell you from Norcal. It's a beautiful but dark place w an offgrid billion dollar economy that doesn't use law enforcement if you know what i mean. People just disappear. Fuck somebody over there, it means your life. Wave too much money around, it's your life. Fuck over teh wrong deadhead up there and they will shoot you with a watergun loaded w wat they call Wash. Its the runoff water involved in the creation of acid. If they shoot you with it you walk around as a retard for the rest of your life. They call it spinning you out. Im too scared to write a book about my travels around there but it'd be a best seller. I was undercover to a degree, and I made it through without having to do acid only by the grace of God. I smoked weed that's it. Tripped shrooms a few time but not in almost 20 years. Don't let your kids go up there take my word for it. A summer spent trimming pot in the redwoods sounds like a good time but there's a scene back in those woods that world doesn't yet know exists. Hope you're protecting me w&w :)

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 1:04 a.m. No.8192984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3007 >>3038


There is a smoking hot girl who was shot by a watergun that still lives in Peoples Park in Berkeley as a retard. This creepy old black homeless guy takes care of her every day. If he didn't she'd be buck naked spread eagle int eh middle of the park playing w herself. I know one of the kind of legends from the area. I met her by chance at a Rainbow gathering in Florida and she was the one who introduced me to most of the players around there and taught me how to spin hash. She's a beast of a woman named Pork Chop. No dude in those woods fucks with her. She grew up hopping from gathering to gathering livng in the woods. When she wasn't at Gatherings she was in Norcal on these farms. She said when she was 14 she was allowed to go up to the Hogfarm and wanted to sell acid. Before they would allow her to sell for tehm they said she had to do somethiing first. They said lick your thumb. Then told her to put her thumb on a crystal of acid(a lot of fucking acid) and then press her thumb to her forehead. She doesn't remember anything after that or weeks afterward. Has no idea what they did to her during that time. She has been selling their stuff since though. One day we were sitting in the park in Berkeley and I asked her what happened to the girl and she just said she stole from the wrong dead head.

Anonymous ID: 06e6ee Feb. 20, 2020, 1:25 a.m. No.8193074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3082 >>3085 >>3092



Have to disagree w u anon. The astral plane isn't a place people shouldn't attempt to go. As you acknowledged demons can take any form, family, friends, legends, God. There are endless descriptions of horrific experiences on the astral plane that can be found online. Truly terrifying to read. Like being gangraped by demon for what feels like 60 years but you were only passed out or out of it for a few minutes. I've heard dozens of stories from close friends as well. Most of the people who do it refer to your aura. They say if you have a strong aura you are protected but if u don't u shouldn't do it. The fact is auras don't matter it's just a trick to get you there. Don't take my word for it. Just rsch the bad experiences before you try it and i guarantee you won't. You have no control. You are in a helpless state where nothing is what it seems. In no way can this be good. We can commune w God from our bedroom, no need for DMT.