I just realized after looking for sauce that I learned this from someone that works with info like this professionally.
Like, they have utilities provided by corporations that we simply don't have access to.
The way I can describe it is: it's kinda like a MSN or Yahoo, where all the relevant 'news' is provided in a bundle to the user so they don't have to research for themselves.
Only difference is it's a gov't resource, expecting it's users to create gov't documents etc with it.
One example I can give to lend credence to the source is that I have spoken to them about their source re: CoVid and the numbers they were providing were much different from the official numbers (higher in the death count), and now are lining up very well with official numbers (indicating a different source for earlier numbers).
It may not be public yet according to Google–
Yeah so my 'source' was saying that Microsoft is definitely going to buy Bloomberg for the $40B price tag that had been floating in the news for a few months now.
The convo was short, I mentioned how NBC News Network changed completely when Microsoft merged with GE in the 90's, and how propaganda's foothold has strengthened since regardless of conjecture-
They said that it rock the scene because of the price tag and likely cause other relative companies to 'make moves'
This source is close to me, they have no reason to lie- and none of that is in the news I'm seeing.
Eyes on, boys.