Anonymous ID: 9e04ba March 28, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.820198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am herein posting some observations and thoughts related to subjects which I researched years ago, long before Q and the long-awaited-for Great Awakening. The length of the post is such that it will be split into multiple parts:


Part 1:


The rapid advancements in the roll-out of electronic surveillance systems in the digital age. It is unfortunate that such crude tools as shackles and detention facilities (held in reserve as a back-up, of course) have been replaced with much more elegant and sophisticated control mechanisms in addition to the soft-kill/disablement weapons technologies of the military/industrial technocracy. The world, in essence, becomes an open-air gulag in which people are allowed to move "freely" within a matrix which imprisons them even more securely than bars and chains. This current enslavement may be less brutal in some respects, but I would argue that it is far more insidious and dehumanizing; the former methods restricted the body while the newer approaches succeed in capturing and incarcerating the mind and will as well. It is possible to retain ones dignity in prison and even improve oneself there but, as someone famous once said, there are "none so enslaved as those who falsely believe that they are free." Give them bread and circuses, medicate them overtly, poison their cognitive abilities covertly, give them small sips of liberty, and their cooperation with tyranny will eventually be assured.

As an aside, I cannot miss an opportunity to point out that truthful history (not to be confused with the Ministry of Truth in Orwell's 1984) will show that the march toward the dystopian cliff began in earnest for the American people way back during the Civil War and the subsequent passage of the 14th Amendment. We are taught that the amendment freed the slaves but in actuality it declared all "persons" to be citizens (note the lower case "c" - upper case is the lawful indicator of Sovereignty) of the "United States". The terms "United States", "U.S.", "USA", etc. can refer to the Sovereign nation as a whole but they also refer to the corporate entity which masquerades as, and has "legally" displaced, the constitutionally chartered federal government structure. I refer to this creature simply as FEDGOV to distinguish it from its constitutional, and decidedly more benevolent, twin. The two-faced Roman god Janus is perhaps a more useful representation. The lawful (i.e obverse) side is in public view, but is merely a comforting but inanimate smile at this point. The corporate government (i.e. reverse) side is hidden in the shadows, obfuscated by legalese and fully engaged in perfidious activities of every nature. The word "united", by the way, is an adjective only - as such, it should NOT be capitalized; doing so is a dead giveaway as to what the cryptocracy has been up to all along.