Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.8194012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4027 >>4224



according to russian historian and geopolical analyst Andrei Fursov, ww1's main goal was the destruction of the 4 empires - german, austro-hungarian, russian and ottoman.

ww2 was fought to create the "new post war order", it was a chess match between the rockefeller camp and the rothschild camp. Each had a different favorable result while both camps wanted hitler to conquer europe and create the prototype of the EU . The rockefeller camp wanted hitler to take out britih colonies before launching an offensive against the stalin and the ussr.

The camp behind churchill wanted to "destroy the spirit of Schiller and the german people". Churchill insisted that the war isn't again nazism but against the german people.


Many European royal bloodlines were also in favor of a pro hitler outcome. Stalin apparently was a player and he played chess as best as he could. He used the same western finances that financed hitler (they financed both dictators as a preparatory step prior to the war), and played a political strategy that eventually led to the pro stalin outcome.


the high level nazis, since they understood that the war will be over in favor of stalin, they created 700 trans-national corporations to "merge" into the post war world order.

Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.8194138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4186 >>4224 >>4422





I was thinking more in either the lines of some powerhouse who financed him (I.G Farben, Thiessen, Krupp, etc).

Or one of those who introduced him to the wealthy german elite:


Eckart met Adolf Hitler when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP members in 1919. Eckart was involved with the Thule Society, although not a member. The Society was a secretive group of occultists who believed in the coming of a "German Messiah" who would redeem Germany after its defeat in World War I.[11] Eckart expressed his anticipation in a poem he wrote months before he first met Hitler. In the poem, Eckart refers to "the Great One," "the Nameless One," "Whom all can sense but no one saw." When Eckart met Hitler, Eckart was convinced that he had encountered the prophesied redeemer.[12] Eckart became Hitler's mentor, exchanging ideas with him and helping to establish theories and beliefs of the Party.[13]


In March 1920 Hitler and Eckart flew to Berlin to take part in the Kapp Putsch[14].


It was Eckart who introduced Alfred Rosenberg to Adolf Hitler. Between 1920 and 1923, Eckart and Rosenberg labored tirelessly in the service of Hitler and the party. Through Rosenberg, Hitler was introduced to the writings of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Rosenberg's inspiration. Rosenberg edited the Münchener Beobachter, a party newspaper, originally owned by the Thule Society. Rosenberg published the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the "Beobachter."


Eckart could be an early candidate. Some also suggested Ernst Rom had him infiltrated to the german working party as a plant.


To raise funds for the Party, Eckart introduced Hitler into influential circles including to his future etiquette tutor, socialite Helene Bechstein. In June 1921, while Hitler and Eckart were on a fundraising trip to Berlin, a mutiny broke out within the NSDAP in Munich. Members of its executive committee wanted to merge with the rival German Socialist Party (DSP).[15] Hitler returned to Munich on 11 July and angrily tendered his resignation. The committee members realised that the resignation of their leading public figure and speaker would mean the end of the party.[16] Eckart was asked by the Party leadership to talk with Hitler and relay the conditions in which Hitler would agree to return to the Party. Hitler announced he would rejoin on the condition that he would replace Drexler as party chairman, and that the party headquarters would remain in Munich.[17] The committee agreed, and he rejoined the party on 26 July 1921.[18]


On 9 November 1923, Eckart participated in the failed Beer Hall Putsch. He was arrested and placed in Landsberg Prison along with Hitler and other party officials, but was released shortly thereafter due to illness. He died of a heart attack in Berchtesgaden on 26 December 1923. He was buried in Berchtesgaden's old cemetery, not far from the eventual graves of Nazi Party official Hans Lammers and his wife and daughter.




another option is his driver Emil Maurice


He was one of the few persons of mixed Jewish and ethnic German ancestry to serve in the SS.


now let that sink in… He was a part jewish SS member, while the SS had strict race criteria.

and he was a close associate of hitler and co:


On 9 November 1923, the Stoßtrupp, along with the SA and several other paramilitary units, took part in the abortive Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. In the aftermath of the putsch, Hitler, Rudolf Hess, Maurice and other Nazi leaders were incarcerated at Landsberg Prison.

Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 6:59 a.m. No.8194259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4311



also the nazi subgroup that Q was referring to seems to be the group led by martin borman, who established 700 transnational corporations in 1943. They simply merged into the new post war system. I have a feeling that soros was involved with them somehow from the early post war years.

Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.8194344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4457



the actual magazine (from the comments).


as a side note, only 3 people in the post USSR have been granted with the knighthood in the Knights of Malta:

  1. Gorbachev (gave the ussr to the western elite).


  1. sergei shoygu (a representative of a powerful russian elite, had some conflicts with putin. He was responsible for the ministry for crisis handling, during his time the ministry became a money laundering institution.


  1. Mikhail Saakashvili (the Georgian puppet of soros who pushed the Georgian velvet revolution).


'''P.S. another recipient of the knighthood was Franz von Papen, and he got it in the 50s.

Now why would Von papen be awarded with the knighthood of Malta if he was responsible for making Hitler a Chancellor.'''

a "conpiracy"? kek

Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 7:30 a.m. No.8194444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4453 >>4464 >>4489 >>4493 >>4546 >>4568 >>4571 >>4580 >>4607 >>4629




  1. Ehud Barak received 2.5 million $ for a "research" by the wexner foundation. The "research was never published".


  1. Barak was listed in the lolita express flight logs, as well as in the black book (together with Corrupt PM Ehud Olmert).


  1. Barak also was pushed back to politics recently, pushing the anti netanyahu alliance called "blue white". He created the "israeli democratic party" that failed miserably.


here he is projecting as usual:


  1. Barak lied about discontinuing the connection with epstein, but he was spotted in his apartment by the daily mail after epstein was released from prison. Barak was involved with Epstein and ex stasi Nicole Junkerman in what looked to be a slush company.


Anonymous ID: 175995 Feb. 20, 2020, 7:51 a.m. No.8194607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4656







here is more on Barak:


When Barak was prime minister under Ehud Olmert (both crooked as hell), and the Israeli deep state were preparing "insurancy policies" against the coming election of Netanyahu, Epstein came to visit Israel and visited IDF military bases, with no explanation given.

sauce (hebrew):


who was the IDF chief of staff back then? Gabi Ashkenazi, who run now as part of the anti netanyahu block called "blue white".