satanic gibberish
That's what Dick Morris said after the incident.
That Clinton's m.o. would be to have two folders. One folder would have a SCOTUS nomination in it. The other folder would have enough dirt to take down LL and everyone in her office.
Classic carrot and stick.
You are both ignorant and blasphemous.
You can't tell Jesus from Michael, and you're trying to convince me you know Melania's heart.
The fact that you think Mary can be blasphemed, is blasphemy.
I'm not saying JFK Jr. is alive.
But I am saying his wife is alive, and attends rallies.
And since she supposedly died on the same plane crash, that calls into question the "START" of the Q movement in 1999.
satanic gibberish
Your prayers do nothing, and go nowhere.
You are part of the most evil institution on earth.
Godfather III is opening soon.
Savage, turning men into homosexuals without their knowledge.
Good read. Excellent use of the word "kikebots".
Of course all man-made religions are evil, and run by the devil. It's what he was made to do, in heaven. It's what he did, in heaven, before he was cast out. He was made to be the worship leader, in heaven.
And now, fallen and in disgrace, he's the worship leader on earth. Only it's no longer God that is the object of the devil's worship, but himself as God. He's always wanted to be worshiped as God.
And all of these Marian worshippers will fall right in line and worship the Beast, Catholic and Muslim alike.
Might be the exact reason they're importing them.
My heart breaks for all the victims of Mystery Babylon, not just the ones married to Donald Trump.
Works. Thanks.
Car noses into the water, you scramble for the high ground. Like Mary Jo Kopeckne.
Guessing it was the Scalia murder.
er..ah, er..ah, er..ah, no.
So be free. Free to leave.
somebody better check this
When you're a thief, everything is stealing everything else, and you're just trying to steal a little bit for yourself.
Amazing how they believe in evolution, and are terrified about evolution.
Lot of bad shit started in '07. Lot.