Returning New Fag here…11/2/2017…was a late dayshitter/early nightshitter…took a hiatus, but checked in often
Stroll down memory lane…
Remember when:
An anon was posting some crazy shit…before there was a “Q”
Then digs started on the info provided… first year digging Anons were smart as fuck! Not so much anymore, most left soon after “but muh porn because Johnny jr wants to read the board”…
Q chose the chan for a reason
Rereading the posts was considered imperative before joining in…just to get some bearing on where everything had begun
Bewbs were posted 1) for motivation 2) to summon the great and wise “Q”
For all you Muh Sessions!!! Muh General!!!…dig and reread post #8 faggots…(hint Adm R) and post #4 Generals (dig) that and never forget POTUS is one Smart Motherfucker!!
Muh Pleiadians!! Nooo Jesus Christ….No the Catholics and Constantine ruined the Christian faith…Muh Jews is the answer!! Energy/Universe/All is One posts
Moving on…Pop’n more popcorn
Trying not to shit the bread
Hating the mold
Pepe is comfy with COVFEFE
BEWBS…more BEWBS…Johnny Jr will love it…trust
Stay hard, keep your powder dry
Wherever this road may lead, whether to a pit or the promised land, much Love to Luv all you Anons, Diggers, Faggots, Niggers, Jeews, Breadshitters and especially Johhny Jr’s mother
Peace to All and to All a Blessed Bewbe Life!!