The Government needs to get out of the marriage business and homosexuals need to stop attacking the institutions of Faith and Marriage in the Church.
The Government enforces contracts, not marriages. What we need is a REVOLUTION at the County, State and Federal level of definition of a Domestic Contract.
Government Officials DO NOT marry people. They approval the contractual arrangement / consent between 2 parties. That's exactly what we need - 2 party domestic contracts. Then, Government can rightly represent the interests of We, the People, that don't prescribe to Faith or God in their desire to commit to each other in a contractual arrangement. I think homosexuals should get to experience the dissolution of that contract just like us heteros.
We can make this work as long as homosexuals agree to quit attacking our Faith, our belief that homosexuality is a Sin, and the institution of Marriage.
Otherwise, the fucking fight is on. We fight for the Law of God and homosexuality is not a part of our Society as a normal organic fabric for a reason. We have many mentally ill abused citizens to prove it.