An Integrated Approach to Peer Competition in the Undersea Warfare Domain
On a different front, China poses its own set of challenges to U.S. forces. While Russia may hold land-based forces and surface vessels at risk with small numbers of nuclear submarines, China’s approach is oriented toward fielding high-end diesel submarines in startlingly large numbers. In 2030, China estimates it will have around 100 fielded submarines, versus the United States’s 53. The discussion of antiaccess/area-denial technologies fielded by China focuses on ballistic missiles. But China’s massive submarine force is at least as large an obstacle to U.S. freedom of maneuver in the Pacific.
The threat today to U.S. military dominance across the world is real and urgent. Undersea infrastructure is at constant risk of destruction and espionage, and U.S. ships must operate under constant threat of attack.