Anonymous ID: 9d2283 Feb. 20, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.8201348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1565


>A new trial also rekindles the possibility of new charges being filed against Mike Flynn Sr. and his son, Mike Jr.

Will they be charged as co-conspirators in a plot to cover up their roles as

spies for the government of Turkey


>So lets hold off on hero worship


>Been debunked since 2017 anon


>do more research, this is very old news and has been debunked for years now


>You got nothin do ya?

>This just simply interrupts your bias mechanisms to make sense of a world that can't be made sense of.


>I am not your secretary you lazy fucker. Do your own research. If you are that fucking lazy go watch a George Webb video even that MOS agent debunks the Flynn Turkey connection

> Stop being a lazy faggot


KEK! Gen. Flynn knows where the bodies are buried


Sibel Edmonds Presents: Gulen & Concocting The Flynn Scandal: A Clinton-CIA-FBI Conspiracy




see how ^^^^

that works, clowns?

one step forward, 10 steps back…