"If you don't understand the cataclysmic level of trouble the DNC/Dems are in, you don't understand politics, or the last 4 years.
Sparkle the lamestream media with a potential Barr resignation, and a majestic Daytona 500 opening and……
Meanwhile, unlike the Democrats who impeach without a crime, have no credible witnesses, and no corroborating evidence; we'll have cases to bring to the Senate Judiciary committee and court system loaded with corroborating evidence, eyewitnesses (not heresay, or people from academia unrelated to the story), facts and data.
And we have to work it so that the mainstream media is forced to cover it.
Have had to drag this out to expose those traitors in the Security Council from within the White House (and now 150 of these clowns are gone).
We had to drag it out while turning up the heat to smoke out even Rhino Republicans like Mitt Romney, and Susan Collins who are obviously dirty and compromised.
Had to shore up the DOJ/FBI/CIA to remove and replace agents and staff who were corrupt and now there are over 2,000 ex Federal agents.
Had to shore up the court system with judges loyal to the Constitution who couldn't be bought or we're loyal to Communism, or Shiria law who would protect the incoming sealed indictments and charges and as of now 191 new judges are in the Federal courts including 2 new Supreme Court justices.
Had to turn up the heat in corporate America to trim down the domestic, financial powerhouses so that funding top legal council would become harder for them to do and since Trump took office, over 5,000 CEO's have resigned.
Had to arrest and deport MS13 and other foreign terrorists and gang members who would orchestrate attacks and violence in our country and now over 13,000 hardened criminals and foreign terrorists have been given the boot out of the country.
Had to take the sex trafficking rings down so that they didn't have their ability to corrupt our new government employees, appointees, or elected officials and now over 9,000 perverts have been arrested.
Had to cut off foreign aid so that these Deep State players would have their foreign money laundering operations cut off so that they couldn't get funding anymore.
Had to cut off Federal funding to domestic agencies like the National Education Association, and Planned Parenthood so that the only campaign funds the Deep State (and particularly Democrats) would have to seek funds from We The People instead of laundering American taxpayer's money to fund their campaigns.
Had to take out CIA Black Op sites, and foreign terrorist leaders so that we wouldn't have another 911/Pearl Harbor type event conveniently when we were going to make a move.
Had to issue travel bans to keep dangerous people out of our country so that the Deep State people couldn't get any paramilitary, and terrorist help.
Had to make deals with foreign leaders so that virtually every country in the world had extradition treaties with us "No where to run ~ No where to hide."
Had to issue tariffs to pump in nontaxable money into the military and subsidize our farmers and industry so we could plow through all this with security, and a robust economy.
So, haven't done anything?
● They are going broke.
● They have no one on the inside anymore.
● We know all who are in their club.
● We have all the evidence.
● We have tons of real witnesses.
● They're out of good drugs. (So they gotta do the bad ones)
● After 4 years of 18 hour days trying to get Trump out of office, they're tired and severely fatigued. A bit insane and off balance.
And I just covered what's on the surface of the world.
I didn't cover what's going on Underground and in Space."