Where We Go One, We Go All.
Picture is fitted for Twitter headers.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Picture is fitted for Twitter headers.
Where We Go One, We Go All.
Picture is fitted for Twitter headers (did not attach first attempt).
"The squared circle has been a popular theme in the occult and in Alchemy for centuries and it still an important symbol"
"in many occult and witchcraft rituals a circle is cast but is also then squared"
"Zbigniew Brzezinski's father, Tadeusz Brzezinski, was a secondary Polish government official whose family was located on the underside of the old Polish aristocracy. The father became a British operative and Canadian resident. The son, Zbigniew, was processed first through a Bronfman program at Montreal's McGill University, and was promoted - as was the present Canadian Prime Minister, Elliot Trudeau - to advanced studies at the Chatham House division of British foreign intelligence at Harvard University" pg 2/12
McGill University: MKUltra