>You misspelled providence, my fren
>Patriots Soapbox
LOL! Does this guy still exist. I havenโt seen that dude since Q outed Corsi & crew as paytriots.
X22 Report is my main goto other than qmap.pub and this board.
>G Edward Griffin
one of the best
While a big fan of G. Edward Griffin's ideas on Individualism versus Collectivism, Q expanded my thinking even moar on this subject.
Like the age old debate in psychology and biology over the role of Nature (genes) vs Nurture (environment), we know that in the real world, the life of an organism reflects a combination of BOTH forces at work and never only involves just one or the other. And when thinking about wave/particle duality in Physics, when can conceptualize an electron as a discrete "particle", but also as part of a wave function where it can affect the movement of other electrons in an interference pattern.
So my own thinking about collectivism has evolved in recent years to where I now believe that "collectivism" is actually desirable and necessary so long as groups are allowed to nucleate and extinguish themselves from the level of the individual (bottom up) as opposed to being artificially created and maintained from a centralized authority (top down).
Paraphrasing Q, "There is no bigger threat to a 'centralized authority' (eg the Deep State) than the public being awake and thinking for themselves."
>I pray she is moved to awaken and reconcile her errors, may she bring strength to our movement, for God and Country.
Thx anon. I like your idea better
>He doesn't know anything that's not already old news after you skim through Notables.