when the autistic friend simulator and bootleg anime porn warehouse that consumed your youth and wasted your best years is actually the unwitting vanguard of a massive subterranean eruption of right wing resentment against generations of western social engineering that is just now reaching the surface of mainstream society, and that future historians will have to pick up the pieces of this cataclysmic event and write staid, carefully researched accounts of how droves of young men with no reason to plug into society were progressively disenfranchised by a feminized liberal status quo until they formed a psychic gestalt with a surplus of asabiyyah like the fucking fremen from dune, wrested control of faustian destiny back from the decadent vaginakin, and righted mankind's true path toward the stars, because they were bored and it was funny
where are the redpills? I've been surfing through the archives of 4pol posts and it's a treasure trove of brilliant explanations and sources. Can you guide my search for truth? boards on usenet to search, memes, keywords, etc? Were you around for any of mencius moldbug's posts? the redpill stemmed from his application of the matrix story to modern politics through his blog and he was on usenet. Cheers.