Anonymous ID: 073285 Feb. 21, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.8206269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6279 >>6283 >>6299 >>6314 >>6387 >>6566


ID: cc3d18


>Bakeranon posts cute puppy meme

>"You're sick"

um, lol, ok


>You shouldn't bake with your subliminal 'eat a ppupy head' photograph. I think you are a damaged person.

>You shouldn't bake

>You shouldn't

Maybe you shouldn't tell anons what to do you overly sensitive faggot kike.


>Stop gaslighting about Jesus

Woah, that's awfully insensitive and unsympathetic to say. I thought you didn't like offensive things like cute puppy memes?


>you screwed up handing it over to that one, sorry to say

more shilling against a baker who did absolutely nothing wrong.

also, you are in no way sorry, or you wouldn't be acting out like a jackass, but more on that later.


>Something about him being clairvoyant, walking a moral road, trying to justify him hallmonitorfagging everyone, and claiming that him trying to impress his will upon people is observation, not him having an authoritarian ego


>Continues to harass Jesusfag defending himself. Lays more bait.


>Claims other anons are shills for not caring about cute puppy image.


>Absent mindedly commentating

more like shitting his pants, whether from fear of the storm, or having a spontaneous freakout anger seizure.


>Claims cute puppy image is teaser for hillary clinton pictures involving child rape

>It's mentally preparing us.


>Claims he doesn't want a dossier, but continues to make moronic posts.

Your wish is my command, my prince.


>Pushing more of his opinion on others.


>More projecting


>Now claims to care about Jesus

>While still harassing Jesusfag


>Almost miraculously self-reflects long enough to sarcastically mention "I may be wrong"

This almost impressed me. Almost as if he were a respectable human being, with emotions, logic, morals, and feelings.


>More Jesusfag harassing, and a waste of 99 dubs. Such a shame.


Oh look, a stolen meme, his first "real contribution", i'm sure he's just getting warmed up, though. OH LOOK, ANOTHER waste of dubs. R.I.P 44


>Quotes scripture he probably googled, and continues to lay bait for jesusbiblefaganon


>talking about people being shills, and "how they work" because he's an expert


>His image of electrocution is troubling me

>He is a head injury victim

And you're not? lol


20 posts

Anything missed?

Kill yourself you fucking glowfag


Anonymous ID: 073285 Feb. 21, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.8206387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6393 >>6394 >>6423 >>6566


ID: cc3d18/926726

2/3? Cont.


>Tells me I have too much time on my hands for outing him

Yeah, probably, but it's fun.


>Wastes 99 dubs (3rd dubs wasted) and baits me into fighting with "cretin"

Avast then, ye filthy swab.



How articulate of you. Does your paycheck get affected by the amount of effort you put in? Just curious. How low energy.


>the fact that someone is OK with am image of a spoon going through a puppy's head

(Keep in mind, this puppy is made of cookie dough, rofl)

>doesn't need more analysis

sure it does? why are you so upset about a dog-shaped cookie-dough cake, my friend?

Anonymous ID: 073285 Feb. 21, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.8206566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6606



ID: cc3d18/926726

3/3 Cont.


>it says that you love to fuck with people's heads by

woah, newfag, that wasn't even me who posted it, it's the baker you called a shill.


Oh. I needn't remind you, I guess.

>SHILL TEAM will try and drive away all anon today.

"Hello, fellow kids"

>you won't.

You're right, I won't. You won't. Nobody will. Anons don't need a babysitter you god damned Israeli faggot.


>they can't win so they begin illogical threats

i'll tell you what's illogical. saying anon threatened you when he literally told you to piss off. What sort of foreignnewfag are you to not even understand what the definition of "threat" is. Did he say he would harm you if you did not, indeed, piss off? No.

>you;ll "bank" it meaning you get paid to do it?

targets some random anon who posted cute fempepe

here we go again. he's over the cookie dough dog. Now this fempepe severely offends him. He's about to let it rip.

At this point, i'm sure you're fully aware, this is not only a shill/bot (who I learned is named Anjel?), it's a broken/mentally impaired one, at that

But fuck it. Let's keep going.


ID: 12cc19


This post is responding to anon reposting Ice-cream/cookiedough dog being spooned to "death"

>podestas would approve

really? you'll compare murder to ice-cream/cookie dough? OK then, boy-o.

>anons do not


Fucking newfags.


Back to our friend,

>They can't win at portraying me a shill


Really, we can't? Oh.

>That's why they can't win

Thank you for that clarification.

>you have to label people.


>sad for you.

I don't think label means, what you think it means?

>Hi, fellow kids.


>it's called 'terrritorial pissing'

>he means he gets paid to bake

Woah, "Anjel" take your meds lol

>You are here to harm us and cause us distress

Quick everyone, post the puppy GIF over and over.

This is fun, round and around we go. SHAME THERE'S NO EXIT