Anonymous ID: a19402 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8208380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8406 >>8412 >>8482

Just wanted to quickly post a Thank You while I'm here reading the Notables which is my trusted daily source for the news since you wonderful anons ARE the news now!


I don't post much and I don't sit following breads hours on ends. I have noticed some anon's get triggered by the clowns and shills, you do realize you only give them the attention they so dearly seek? You know they are not worth the time you give them.


They are sick people, sad people who are driven by hate. In their sickness they derive a short term & false "joy" if they can anger you, without them even knowing it, they want you to feel the same pain and anger they feel. It's group hate manufactured by the cabal as a control factor over the people, angry sleepers. They group together with other haters like sheep gather in fear of an approaching storm, they are sheep and they are facing a storm. Think about it.


Anyways, Thanks again for all you do, keep up the great work! There are untold silent numbers out here standing with you, WWG1WGA! Wait til November and you'll find out just how many! In the mean time, stay happy, trust in the plan and as far as the shills,

Illegitimi non carborundum

(Don't let the bastards grind you down)


Be well you wonderful Patriots!