Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.8208616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8619

Reposting In Light of Q#3876

Q'ed baker's Tranny/Baphomet Image, and the Images of how TIME Magazine has Distorted President Trump's Face.

Yesterday 2/19/20:


Israeli Shill Outed: Smearing Trump with Sex-Change Kali Memes Is Caught By Anons


President Trump is a Christian Man. He is not Kali, a Hindu Female Goddess of Death, Sexuality and Violence.


Watch out for the Jewish Sex-Change of our beloved POTUS into a Hindu Female goddess with Flailing Arms - to Divert Anons Attention Away from what the Trump-Kali Meme shills don't want you to see.

Moar and moar evidence of massive Jewish Subversive Crimes against America.


Kali meme shill wrote:

>>can't push Jew hate (Post No.8163500).


The current Tactic: Distort Trump - Think Hindu-Trump-Kali Flailing Arms, not about the Jews.


Visually and Sexually Subvert Pres. Trump.


Q-Hating Jew's Kali memes are nasty, destroying Trump's face, which is why they keep striking anons' instincts as derogatory to our POTUS, and many anons keep calling these shitty memes out.


Yet this Q-Hating shill doubles down and posts 10 more of the same, all hideous and smearing out Trump's face.


Note: real Hindus do not desecrate their deities by changing their sex, nor distorting, covering or burning their faces in flames.


Distorting Trump's face is Subliminal Warfare.


Today, Another Anon brilliantly PROVED that this Trump=Kali shill IS a Jewish clown shill.


PROOF 1: 2/17/20'''

Post No. 8163500''' 2/17/20 (Mon) 9:14:20

The shill wrote in reply: 

>>can't push ceral head

>>can't push kate

can't push jew hate

>>gore ins't scaring people away


(Notice the Cultural FAIL : "ceral head")


4 minutes later, SAME ID in Post No. 8163534 2/17/20 (Mon) 9:18:18

Shill wrote in reply:

Also, you're most likely trained by professionals, and this "god meme" given source of creation.

You're void. And you serve the Darkness.


But I bring you good news. Anon.

From     The      Darkness

I   See  Light  In  You


(Notice the Condescension, Ego and misunderstanding of "Dark to Light")

This was posted with a Dark black and beige Meme of Trump-Kali in which his upper 2 sets of arms are blended into the dark background.


PROOF 2: 2/18/20'''

Post No. 7684140''' 1/1/20 (Wed) 10:45:38





>"The wickedness of Q psyop is the manipulation of man through hope".


"they're laughing their asses off at how stupid people are"

———–  ————–  ———–

::The Anon who caught this shill calls it Flailing Kabbala Kali the Kike::'''


Catching this shill saying "Q is a PsyOp" proves that all of this shill's Ugly Memes of Trump-Flailing-Hindu-Woman in which POTUS' face is always scrubbed, Exploded in Flames, blotted, distorted and marred, is an America-hating JIDF Gaslighting faggot shill.


(I've seen 2 IDs using the same flailing-Trump meme in 1 bred, and a cringe-y "convo" with another shill's long-winded "praising" of these hideous memes, after many anons said they were shit )


Thanx bigly to the anon with sharp eyes and the incriminating shill screenshots.


This Is Information Warfare


They hate Q, They hate Trump. They hate Us.

Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.8208689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Jewish Wrap-Up Smear


Any Anon who posts Truth about Jewish Cabal Crimes gets the Jewish Gaslighting Smear -

First the Jewish clown shill will smear Anons with :


Russian bots, didn't work


spambot, bot bot bot, didn't work


"muh joooos", disguise the "Jew", didn't work


"Mohamed", didn't work


"works for brock", nonsensical, didn't work


"media matters", illogical, didn't work


quasem, your general, unknown to Americans (prior to the Hand kek), didn't work


"iranian", didn't work


"IRGC", unknown, didn't work


"clown", didn't work

then back to

"mason", didn't work


back again to

"shill", didn't work


"anjel", didn't work

then Ad Hominem REeeee attacks

"cunt", didn't work


"you're trained by professionals to be on this board", Projection, didn't work

then always Dictate

"Filter, filter, filter"


Jews Are Terrified Of The 63 Million AMERICANs Who KNOW About Jewish Subversion & Crimes


That's why the Israeli and Sayanim Jews always try to Trick you, pretending as if no American Patriot anons could possibly post any Truth About Jewish Cabal Crimes.  must be them foreigners, not American Trump supporters.


*The Stupidest trick so far, is ham fisted "reverse psychology"- saying that it's "JIDF" who is posting Truth about Jewish Organized Subversion. That's like saying a Pedophile would identify himself.


Jews desperately cling to the delusion that President Trump "stands with Jews" "supports Israel" as if POTUS places Israel above  America, revealing that they're Israeli shills.

Israelis are clueless that this is POTUS' best Sun Tzu strategy yet. It's brilliant.


'''How Else Can The Jewish Shill Disguise Itself?

call anons …

iranian bot?

mason media matters?

mohamed goat bigot?

JIDF gore folder?

Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8208736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8753

Bernie Sanders New Campaign Ad Attacks Trump as anti-Semitic, with Swastika



1. Trump is anti-Semitic because he talks to Jewish Americans by saying "I don't want your money". Swastika.


2. White men chant: "Jews will not replace us!"   

Jewish woman for Bernie says: "having a Jew literally replace them, would be like - that would be so satisfying".


3. Bernie talks about the Holocaust, with lots of old black and white photos of Jews in the Camps, with German nazi soldiers walking by a large field of bodies.


The Bernie ad quotes President Trump:


0:13 "Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty".


0:24  White Americans chanting:"Jews will not replace us!"


The Jewish woman in the ad says:

0:25: "Jews will not replace us, and then having a Jew literally replace them, would be like - that would be so satisfying".  As she smacks a kiss.


the ad goes on to blame Trump for the rise of anti-Semitism:


0:38 Tonight, a neo-nazi in Pennsylvania, cuts to:

0:43 that Trump's election has "emboldened him and his followers". shown with Nazi eagle and Swastika.


0:50 Headline of Washington Post: How Donald Trump is Stoking anti-Semitism while claiming to fight it.


1:15 MSNBC Chris Hays : "he [Trump] repeatedly traffics in anti-semitic tropes, look at how he talks to American Jewish Republicans"

1:20 Trump: "you're not gonna support me because I don't want your money. You wanna control your own politician, that's fiiine."


1:27 Bernie Sanders: "My father's family was wiped out by Hitler in the holocaust. I know about what crazy and radical and extreme politics mean." shows old b/w photo of dead bodies on a floor, in a field with German soldiers walking next to it.


1:37 Old footage of concentration camps, as Bernie says: " I learned that lesson as a tiny, tiny child when my mother would take me shopping, and we would see people working in stores, who had numbers on their arms because they were in Hitler's concentration camps


1:49 "I am very proud of being Jewish and that is an essential part of who I am as a human being".

1:52 "What we're seeing right now, we're seeing it in America, and we're seeing it all over the world, is a  rise in anti- Semitism".


2:01 "We're seeing people stabbed in New York City because they were Jewish."


2:29 "I'm very proud to be Jewish, and look forward to being the first Jewish President in the history of this country."


>Bernie Sanders' entire ad is about anti-Semitism, Hitler and the holocaust, and how proud he is to be Jewish — not one word about the American Economy, Immigration, Health Care, Military Spending, Taxes. no mention of the American People.


Bernie Sanders Thinks He Should Be President Because Muh Holocaust Victim and He's Jewish


watch the ad for yourself, it's like a Steven Spielberg trailer for anudda Holocaust movie.

Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8208764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>As per Q:

Israel Mossad controls US MSM, and US Politicians


>As per President Trump:






Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.8208793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8805

2,000 Years of USURY


>From Babylonian Times In The TEMPLE to 2020:


*Highest Credit Card Interest Rate:


36%  First Premier Bank

29.99% Total Visa


*Average Credit Card Interest Rate:


19.88% with good credit rating

>22.41% with fair credit rating


Brought To You By The Same TEMPLE Money Changers



Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.8208828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8854

Khazarian Jews Kicked Out of Russia


1-20-2020 Ben Fulford:

Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian Central Bank was nationalized, which is why half the government was fired, FSB sources tell us. 


Here’s what our FSB sources have to say on the subject:“It was supposed to start back in November 2019 when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was killed at FSB headquarters, but due to the presence in the country of a huge number of the richest Jews in the world (the Rothschilds, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), this operation was postponed".


On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order.  It will be very painful.”




The FSB sources also report that when Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Russian Central Bank, was fired last week, all cellphones of central bank employees were confiscated and a huge stash of documents was seized.


Putin also wants to Remove all Dual-Citizens from Government


Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron of France is also under siege.  He was forced to flee for his life from a theater last week amid rioting that has gone on now for over a year.  A new French revolution is coming, French resistance sources promise.


Equally dramatic, if less public, events were going on in Japan last week.  A first cousin of former Emperor Hirohito tells us the Bank of Japan has been nationalized and the Rothschilds as well as the Rockefellers have been removed from control of this country.




So I dug:

The Entire Russian government Resigned on Jan. 15, 2020



>Can you imagine if Our entire government resigned?(except POTUS of course)


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Resigned on Jan.15, 2020. (he's Jewish) The MSM is saying that he "resigned".



Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.8208900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908

Israel Uses its Actual Israeli Army Soldiers To Attack Anons Who Post Evidence of Jewish Crimes shown On 8kun/ Internet


JIDF Shills are Enlisted Soldiers = Israel is literally using Jewish Propaganda as a Weapon against us.


>'''Current Stupid Tactic 2020 - GASLIGHTING:


Pretending That Anons Who Post Evidence of Jewish Crimes "Work for JIDF"''', "iranian", "shill".

This is Saul Alinsky Rule# 1: Always Accuse Others of What you are.


*These paid shills attacking American Anons here are paid by the Israeli Military Government.


This is their actual Army job. Israeli Army clowns are the actual "shill teams" here.'''


They tell you to "Filter" any posts about Jewish Subversion and Cabal Organized Crimes = Self-Censorship.


Imagine if America's Military had a Paid Division, American Internet Defense Force  to defend America's Patriots against our enemies?

Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.8209101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9255



You think "Q IS A PSYOP" and wrote:


"they're laughing their asses off at how stupid people are"


Trying to "blend in" now that every anon here knows that you're "laughing at how stupid Q believers are"…..



Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8209127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9142



that's the Jewish shill who's ON RECORD 1/1/2020


"laughing at how stupid Q believers are"…..


"Q IS A PSYOP" and wrote:


"they're laughing their asses off at how stupid people are"


Trying to "blend in" now that every anon here knows that this shill is "laughing at how stupid Q believers are"…..



Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.8209168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9178 >>9205 >>9214

Creator of Drag Queen Story Hour for Toddlers is Michelle Tea Tomasik - Jewish Lesbian, former sex worker


She survived childhood trauma and alcoholism to flourish as a queer, feminist and punk writer. Now blissfully married to her ‘husband-wife’.


She had come through a series of traumatic experiences including the discovery that her stepfather had drilled a hole in the wall of her bedroom in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in order to spy on her, and what she calls her “lesbian feminist nervous breakdown”, a sexual and ideological awakening that she laughs about now but at the time she found “overwhelming”.>


“Personal narrative is a mental illness, but you don’t want to be well.”




Michelle Tea Tomasik Created the Drag Queens for Kids in 2015




>video shows a Drag Queen "accidently" flashing Male Genitals to small children at a Story Hour.

Anonymous ID: 99d953 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.8209320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Grans Smith reported in December 2018 that Gallup, the US government’s go-to for polling, is known to have falsified survey results for years, including in its measurement of support for Israel.


>Known to have FALSIFIED survey results for years…. its measurement of support for Israel




*325 Million Americans in Population


*98% of American Citizens are NON-Jewish




And the Jewish Owned and Fronted MSM Media and Hollywood, most of whom are Jews.


Jews Telling non-Jew Americans That Zionist Jews & Israel Are "our Greatest Ally" which is Total Bullshit




Is this why the Jews Attacking Anons Here AFRAID To Use The Word "JEWS", "ZIONISTS" and "ISRAELIS"?



>muh nazi

>"muh anti-semitism"

>muh bigoted


=muh Jewish Gaslighting Bullshit