Elizabeth Warren tied to cover up of genetic test subjects, along with 23 and Me.
Warren sponsored the bill below. 23 and Me lobbied for it. Its under the disguise of privacy protection but its to silence test subject.
"any person to whom a certificate is issued under subparagraph (A) to protect the privacy of individuals described in such subparagraph shall not disclose or provide to any other person not connected with the research the name of such an individual or any information, document, or biospecimen that contains identifiable, sensitive information about such an individual and that was created or compiled for purposes of the research."
https:// www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-114s2744is/html/BILLS-114s2744is.htm
https:// soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=9A4B826A-319D-4800-BD03-D401D366B03C&filingTypeID=51