I think it's time to move "plan in the making" proof in it.
There are 2 events that are for me crusial as proof Q+Plan = real.
1: 2011: Trump calls #Pizzagate in CNN interview. https ://youtu.be/4tIkt8yU4dw
2: 8 okt. 2012: https ://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/255294883680632833
Trump tweets 100th of times "children" https ://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=children%20from%3ArealDonaldTrump&src=typd
but in this specific one he misspells to "chidlren"
For me, the plan was already made or as good as finished by then.
Whole pizzagate and not acting (public) on it was all part plan to smoke them out and have year long lawfull big-brother on them to grab all global.
The preparation is been done by more than a dozen people imo, too many variables that have to be worked out for a small team, regardless of the time.