Anonymous ID: 815691 Feb. 21, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.8209626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9686 >>9730 >>9893 >>0009


Vanderbilt cult digging anon here

I had a big of a breakthrough.

My theory has been as such:

If Gloria Vanderbilt is cult, which Q implied heavily,

and the cult acts to preserve wealth and power through time,

then the entire Vanderbilt family is suspect of being involved in cult like activities.

Considering that, I began following the expansion of the New York Central Railroad through the country. And what I found was reather interesting;

To rehash a bit:

In each major city along the great lakes, interconnected by the Vanderbilt owned New York Central Railroad and the Michigan Central Railroad

You find major industry springing to life.

You find the creation of major fortunes and powerful people.

From these industries sprout the media and entertainment upon which we are propagandized, (Gannett and Kodak in Rochester)

The banks through which were consolidated to steal our wealth, (HSBC/Rochester, Wells Fargo/Buffalo)

the Oil which heated our homes at the expense of Tesla inspired electrical grids, (standard Oil/Cleveland)

The automobiles that weaponized the captured oil industry and spread it throughout the land (Ford/Detroit)

At this point in my dig I was a bit stuck. I knew Chicago was next. It's the nations largest Rail city.

Of course Chicago is involved.

But I couldn't figure it out, I couldn't prove it.

Until now.


Chicago was the founding location of the company Navistar.

They are the former International Harvester company founded by the McCormick family.

The McCormicks are to Chicago as Ford is to Detroit, and Rockefeller is to Cleveland.

Old, expansive family with political, economic, and social power and influence.

This is most aptly represented by their founding/publishing of the Chicago Tribune.


In each of these cases you can find outright business relationships, common lawyers, or marriages connecting the major players to the Vanderbilt family.

One of the most important is the spread of the Vanderbilt family's influence to California and LA.

During the 1800s there was a gold rush to California,

and instead of traveling on the oregon trail which tool a long time and was arduous,

Rich Americans could pay 400ish dollars to hop on a Vanderbilt owned steamship to Panama,

then cross the isthmus with a short portage and get back on a different Vanderbilt owned steamship to Los Angeles.

The vanderbilt influence in Los Angeles can still use some digging, but the most interesting find is this:

The Illustrated Daily was an old newspaper published by the Vanderbilt family based in LA.

Eventually, the newspaper fell on sore times and sold to the Los Angeles Times

which was controlled/owned by Harry Chandler.

None other than the ancestor (Gfather?) of Rachel Chandler the Child Handler of Epstein fame.


Okay, what does this have to do with Chicago and the McCormick family?

Just like most of the incredibly wealthy power players in the country,

The McCormick family established the McCormick Foundation (formerly the McCormick Tribune Foundation)

The interesting connection I found comes up as such:

In may 2009 cough cough obama era cough cough DAVID HILLER was made CEO of the McCormick Foundation.

DAVID HILLER was the former CEO and Lawyer for none other than CHANDLER'S LOS ANGELES TIMES.


I believe it's only a matter of time and digging that we'll find the Obummer connection to this geographical loop of cult players

created by the NYCRR/MCRR and the Vanderbilt Steamship empire.

Make note, Obama was closely connected to the Getty Foundation early in this dig when we were looking into the NAPA area.

And we all know the rumors about the Getty Foundation.

Anonymous ID: 815691 Feb. 21, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.8209730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9893



Archiving now, see below:

Article showing Hiller as CEO of McCormick

Article showing Hiller as FMR Ceo of LA TIMES.

Article showing HILLER AND OBAMA connections ($$$$$)

Article showing Hiller and VALERIE JARRETT connection:


Should be enough.

The rest of the stuff…there's just too much to sauce it up again. Long time dig. Hopefully some here can vouch.