Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.8209361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9411 >>9431 >>9442

CRAZED Demon Judge Amy Berman Jackson Lied Repeatedly During Sentencing – Says Stone Threatened Her — Should be Imprisoned for 9 Years!


Trump confidante Roger Stone was sentenced Thursday in a Washington DC Court in front of controversial far left Judge Amy Berman Jackson.


Jackson sentenced Roger Stone to 3 years and 4 months in prison.


Judge Jackson also gave 24 months of supervised release per each count once the sentence is served. Roger Stone has a chance to appeal for a new trial.


The corrupt judge also kept Roger Stone’s gag order in place after his sentence was handed down. So Roger Stone was silent and didn’t take any questions from reporters following the sentencing hearing.

This is unheard of and ANOTHER violation of Roger Stone’s rights as a US citizen.


After Judge Jackson came back from a break, she told the court, “Unsurprisingly, I have a lot to say,” and she went on a crazy tirade, ripping Roger Stone to pieces, accusing him of covering up for President Trump!


Carckpot Judge Jackson said people should be disgusted with Roger Stone for his actions.

But what about her actions?

Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s statements were filled with inaccuracies, lies and political attacks.

Will she serve time for her numerous lies?

Will Judge Amy Berman Jackson be forced to sever 9 years in prison?


This is a direct quote from her unhinged diatribe against Roger Stone and Donald Trump on Thursday.


Jackson accused Roger Stone of a threatening post on Instagram. She also claimed she did not cut off his income.

Both are lies.


From the transcript — page 80.


“After he posted an incendiary, threatening post regarding the Court, I took the suggestion of the defendant’s own First Amendment lawyer and barred him from making comments about this case, but that was all.


Couldn’t obey that either. When he was still on bond, he continued to post about others involved in the investigation, and that led to the requirement that he not Tweet or post or use Instagram. He withdrew his own appeal of that condition, and he didn’t even ask to be relieved of it pending sentence. But there has never been a prohibition on his writing, giving a speech and getting paid for it, or any other means of earning a living.”


The Gateway Pundit wrote about this alleged threatening post on Instagram by Roger Stone a year ago.

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.8209382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9722 >>9828 >>0056

Fake News: Media Push False Claim Trump Offered Julian Assange a Pardon Quid-Pro-Quo


Former California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has denied that he acted on orders from President Donald Trump to offer Julian Assange a deal for a pardon, saying that he never spoke to the president about the offer. The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, and other mainstream outlets all ran sensational headlines claiming Trump was directly involved, despite some of the reports acknowledging Rohrabacher’s denial.


Rohrabacher’s claim calls into question accusations made earlier this week by a Wikileaks attorney who alleged that Rohrabacher was acting “on instructions” from President Trump to offer clemency to Assange if he confirmed Russia wasn’t involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 presidential campaign.


Mainstream outlets including The Washington Post, The Guardian, Reuters, and the Associated Press ran with the initial allegation, printing sensational headlines implicating President Trump, even though some of them acknowledged in their reporting that Rohrabacher denied he was following orders from the president.


In a recent interview with Yahoo News, Rohrabacher said his goal in meeting with Assange in 2017 was to find proof to support the unsubstantiated rumor that slain DNC staffer Seth Rich was the real source of the DNC leak, not Russian agents. He said that he never spoke to President Trump about the proposed deal.


“I spoke to Julian Assange and told him if he would provide evidence about who gave WikiLeaks the emails I would petition the president to give him a pardon,” Rohrabacher told Yahoo! News. “He knew I could get to the president.”


The former congressman wrote on his personal blog earlier this week that “there is a lot of misinformation floating out there regarding my meeting with Julian Assange.”


“At no time did I talk to President Trump about Julian Assange. Likewise, I was not directed by Trump or anyone else connected with him to meet with Julian Assange,” he wrote.


Rohrabacher said that he called then-chief of staff John Kelly to discuss the proposal, but said Kelly made no promises that he would even raise the matter directly with the president. The former congressman said he never heard anything back from Kelly on the subject and never discussed the subject directly with President Trump.


Since the claim by the Wikileaks attorney went public in a London court, the mainstream media has attempted to spin the claim as proof that President Trump has tried to coordinate with Wikileaks in order to damage his political opponents at home.


White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham has denied that President Trump ordered Rohrabacher to make a deal with Assange, saying that the president has “never spoken to him on this subject or almost any subject.”


Assange faces extradition to the U.S. on multiple charges, though none of them are related to the DNC hack.


Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, in Washington, DC. No charges have ever been brought related to his death, and his killer remains at large.

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.8209416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9441 >>9473 >>9722 >>9828 >>0056

"Jeffrey And I Had Everyone On Videotape" Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Told Friend


Jeffrey Epstein's alleged 'madam' told a former acquaintance that she and the now-dead pedophile had "everything on videotape," according to The Telegraph.


The acquaintance, socialite and distant relative to the royals Christina Oxenberg, said that Maxwell also told her that Epstein bought a private helicopter because commercial pilots were "eyes and ears" he did not need.


She revealed she had spoken to the FBI about what she had been told.


Ms Oxenberg, 57, first met Maxwell in the early 1990s and said she would never forget a conversation the pair once had in Maxwell’s home.


“We were alone,” she said. “She said many things. All creepy. Unorthodox. Strange. I could not believe whatever she was saying was real. Stuff like: 'Jeffrey and I have everyone on videotape.’”…


Maxwell has been accused by several alleged Epstein victims of both facilitating and participating in sexual crimes. She has vehemently denied the claims and has not been charged with any crimes in connection to Epstein's activities.


If true, we wonder who exactly was taped?

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8209434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trafficking Ring Huge Update: The Truth Is Finally Coming Out

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8209457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9722 >>9828 >>0056

MASSIVE Numbers Of Democrats Are Quitting The Democratic Party, Trump Now Polling Highest EVER


MASSIVE Numbers Of Democrats Are Quitting The Democratic Party, Trump Now Polling Highest EVER. A new poll from Gallup has Trump at +1 approval and Emerson has him at +4 giving him the highest aggregate polling numbers of his presidency.


One of the reasons for the massive jump in approval is that Democrats are no longer identifying as Democrats and many are quitting the party.


After Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump’s speech we heard many angry callers into C-Span complaining of the Democrats and her behavior. They all said they would quit the party.


Of course then we see pundits claiming Trump won last night’s Democratic Debate in Nevada. The candidates are just too far left for the average American.


This is in line with other trends we have seen and campaigns like the Walk Away campaign. Media is trying to claim its just Russians and that its fake news but the data doesn’t lie.


Not only are Democrats losing party members over far left policy but many are showing up to Trump rallies in huge numbers.


If you don’t believe it’s happening just remember Jeff Van Drew, a Democratic congressman who switched parties and is now a republican.


Trump Arizona Rally: 18% of Attendees Were Democrats – 26% Didn’t Vote in 2016

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8209468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DC issues record $1 billion in traffic, parking tickets


WASHINGTON (WJLA/ABC7) – D.C. has long been considered one of the most onerous places in the country for traffic fines, seeing a steady climb year to year in tickets issued and revenue generated. But recently the District broke into stunning new territory, issuing more than $1 billion in tickets in just three years.


I don’t know another local jurisdiction in the entire nation that has generated as much money from traffic tickets, parking tickets and moving violations,” said John Townsend, Public Relations Manager of AAA Mid-Atlantic. “That tells us that things are out of control and out of hand in the District of Columbia.

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8209549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chuck Baldwin - This is ZOG (Zionist Occupational Gov't.)


While US troops are fighting Israel's wars abroad, the homeland has been conquered not by arms, but by money. How should Americans respond to being subjugated?


"The 800-pound gorilla in every backroom in Washington, D.C., is the Israeli lobby. For all intents and purposes, Israel and the ruling class are one and the same."


Time To Put Americans Back In Charge Of America


by Chuck Baldwin


Members of the "right" and "alt-right" love to use terms such as "the establishment," "Deep State," "globalists," etc., in describing freedom's political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For the sake of brevity, I will refer to the above as simply "the ruling class."


Seldom, however, do conservatives identify who actually comprises the ruling class. Typically when using those terms, conservatives are attacking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and liberal Democrats in general.


While it is doubtlessly true that many liberal Democrats are pawns of the ruling class, so are many conservative Republicans. The ruling class monopolizes the philosophies, priorities and policies of both major parties in Washington, D.C.


The ruling class has mastered the phony left-right paradigm to perfection. The entire political debate in America centers on the left-right paradigm. If you are a Republican, Democrats are the enemy; if you are a Democrat, Republicans are the enemy. The entire political world revolves around this notion.


It's all a game, a façade, a hoax.


Here's how it works: When the ruling class wants to focus on building a socialist Welfare state, dismantling traditional cultural and religious norms and enacting gun control, it puts liberal Democrats in power. And when it wants to focus on building the Warfare State and creating foreign enemies for the purpose of expanding the "war on terror" and a global surveillance state, it puts conservative Republicans in charge.


And when it comes to accommodating the international bankers (translated: creating and increasing a debt-based economy), both Republicans and Democrats happily play along. The only difference in the economic policies of conservatives and liberals in D.C. is that liberals want to tax and spend, while conservatives want to borrow and spend. But both groups want to SPEND. Neither party cares a tinker's dam about sound money principles or fiscal responsibility. That's why no matter who the president is (including Donald Trump) or which party controls Congress (including Republicans), America's national debt and deficit spending continue to spiral upward.


This also explains why, no matter who the president is (including Donald Trump), the same miscreants wind up in the president's cabinet and administration. Donald Trump's administration looks like Barack Obama's. Obama's administration looked like G.W. Bush's. Bush's looked like Bill Clinton's, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.


The president doesn't pick his cabinet and administration officials; the ruling class picks them.


Members, former members and fellow travellers of the Local 12 of the Villains, Thieves and Scoundrels Union–otherwise known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC) and Bilderberg group–litter every presidential administration regardless of political party. Donald Trump is on a pace to surpass both G.W. Bush and Barack Obama in the number of CFR appointments, a mark he will undoubtedly surpass during his second term in office.


But the 800-pound gorilla in every backroom in Washington, D.C., is the Israeli lobby. For all intents and purposes, Israel and the ruling class are one and the same.

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8209584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9606

US ‘Playing Games’ With Taliban Peace Talks, Has ‘No Intention of Leaving Afghanistan’ - Academic


For the second time in a year, US and Taliban leaders are making an attempt at brokering peace in Afghanistan - or are they? One expert told Sputnik Washington is “playing games” with the Taliban in an attempt to blunt the militia group’s attacks, stall its momentum and force its resistance to collapse, as the US never intends to leave the country.


The deal will tentatively be signed by US and Taliban leaders on February 29, provided the week prior sees a “reduction in violence,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday. If the truce lasts, nationwide peace talks would begin within 10 days of the signing - another monumental achievement, since the Taliban has so far refused to talk with the government in Kabul that replaced it when US forces and local allies overthrew the militia group in late 2001. The Taliban would also have to forswear support for terrorist groups in the country, which include the Haqqani Network, Islamic State-Khorasan and, of course, its own terrorist tactics.


However, those talks could yield a new government in Kabul, the Associated Press reported. US troops would begin a phased withdrawal over the course of 18 months. There are roughly 13,000 US troops in Afghanistan, who have been fighting an 18-year-long war that Washington has been forced to admit it no longer knows if it’s winning or not. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper is quoted as saying the deal would only reduce US troop levels to 8,600 - roughly what they were when US President Donald Trump took office in 2017.


University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle told Radio Sputnik’s By Any Means Necessary Friday that the precise details haven’t yet been made public, and when they become public he may change his mind, but that “from what’s been leaked in the press, I can’t say I’m overly optimistic.”


“All Trump has done right now is to agree to withdraw to the level of troops that [former US President Barack] Obama had in there. So I can’t say I’m terribly optimistic right now without reading the details … It could be that the American strategy here is to sort of play games with the ousted Taliban government with no real intention of leaving Afghanistan that we illegally invaded in the first place in order to better steal all the oil and gas in Central America.”


“It appears the United States government is still trying to come up with pretext to keep US military forces there under one bogus reason or another. So far, from what I’ve read in the public record, it does not appear we’ve actually agreed to withdraw fully at the end of this process, as happened in the Paris Peace Accord” that ended the US war in Vietnam in 1973. Boyle noted that agreement made clear the US expected the South Vietnamese puppet government to quickly fall to communist forces seeking to reunite the country - which it did, less than two years later.


“I don’t think the United States government is planning to do [to Afghanistan] what it did to Vietnam,” he said.


“It looks like US strategy is trying to lull the Taliban resistance into a situation where the Taliban army and the resistance gradually collapses and we’re still there,” the academic told hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman. Indeed, one of the Trump administration’s primary terms is a weeklong lull in Taliban attacks prior to the signing of the agreement - something that didn’t happen during the last attempt in September 2019.


“As for [Afghan President Ashraf] Ghani, look: it’s well known that Ghani is a CIA asset and a CIA puppet, as [former Afghan President Hamid] Karzai was before him. That whole government is a joke and a fraud; it’s nothing more than a Potemkin Village of a government, pretty much like South Vietnam was. We fully keep Ghani in power, as we did Karzai. They’re nothing more than the mayor of Kabul as far as we are concerned.”—academic/

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.8209809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9895

Australian coronavirus vaccine goes into test production


A factory in Melbourne has started producing a test dose of a potential coronavirus vaccine which scientists will begin testing on animals this week.


The test vaccine was developed in just six weeks by University of Queensland researchers using world-first molecular clamp technology invented in Australia.


The blueprint for the test vaccine was sent to a CSIRO manufacturing lab in Clayton on Thursday night. On Friday morning vaccine production began.


The University of Queensland team say they have not perfected their design yet, and more tweaking will be done over the next week.


The batch being brewed at Clayton is merely the first test dose, a process done in part to trial the factory's systems.


Nevertheless, it shows the incredible progress made by the researchers – less than two months after the first recorded coronavirus death, a test vaccine is in production.


After emerging in Wuhan in December, COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world.


More than 76,000 people have been infected, including 15 in Australia, and more than 2245 killed so far.


The University of Queensland team began work on their vaccine on January 11, when the first coronavirus genome – its DNA blueprint – was uploaded to the internet by Chinese scientists.


“We did not need the virus itself. All we needed was the sequence,” said Professor Paul Young.


They quickly identified a section of the virus, known as a spike protein, they would need to target.


To do this, they are using "molecular clamp" technology, an invention developed at the Queensland University by Dr Keith Chappell, Dr Daniel Watterson and Professor Young seven years ago.


The clamps are designed to hold the complex, changing the shape of the spike protein so the human immune system can get a good look at it – and learn to kill it.


“It is a fascinating and quite amazing technology,” said Upulie Divisekera, a molecular biologist at the University of Auckland who is not involved in the project.


Here it comes, mandatory vaccines

Anonymous ID: 8a8d8b Feb. 21, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.8209831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Usual, Western Media Grossly Distort Syria’s Conflict


Western news media are once again distorting the conflict in Syria with lopsided coverage this week, claiming to focus their concern on a humanitarian crisis in the northwest of the country.


Outlets such as the New York Times and the BBC, among others, claimed that 900,000 civilians are fleeing violence brought on by Syrian state forces and their Russian ally continuing an offensive against “rebels”. The implication being that responsibility for immense humanitarian suffering was due to callous Syrian and Russian military actions. The NY Times described the plight of refugees with emotive words, saying, “it’s like the end of the world.”


No-one doubts that there is humanitarian plight from violence and displacement. But what the Western media are engaging in is a gross and nauseating distortion of what is really going on in Syria. It is typical of the way Western corporate media have been lying about the war in that country for the past nearly nine years.


It is by now untenable for Western media to spin the fictional narrative about “moderate rebels” fighting against a “cruel dictatorship”. The supposed “rebels” have vanished like the chimera they always were. What is left are the remnants of terror groups that are concentrated in northwest Syria. The dominant component is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly Al Nusra Front, an offshoot of Al Qaeda, like Islamic State. These are internationally proscribed terror networks which have carried out the most hideous, barbaric cruelties against civilians.


Unable any longer to launder the bloody image of the terrorists and retail them as “moderate rebels”, the Western media are now laying on the “humanitarian emotion” as a way to undermine the sovereign right of the Syrian army to defeat and rid the country of the terror scourge.


The Syrian army has already largely eradicated this scourge from most of the country. The last remaining hold-out for the terrorists is in the northwest region of Idlib and Aleppo countryside.


Many of the civilians caught up in the conflict are being used as human shields by the militant groups to prevent Syrian state forces advancing towards the final endgame. Commendably, the Syrian army and its Russian ally have deployed valor and painstaking care to liberate terror-held areas with minimal civilian casualties. Again, Western media have functioned as propagandists for the terror groups and their White Helmet agents by airing febrile claims of atrocities committed against civilians by the Syrian and Russian forces.


Two significant events happened this week, both of which were largely ignored by Western media, which gives an indication of their duplicitous political agenda.