he might its totally something he is hinting at as well as the Brad Pitt thing…..might tie to Weinstein.
not sure what else should be done with this
brought to you by shut the fuck up and kill yourself fag. Meme farmer is sick and you need to put your head in a bag and inhale
nigger faggot identified, do you need instructions on how to end it…because i would be more than happy to draw you some instructions. Its ok, i know you are scared, your life is at an end.
did i ask you, and what have you made other than your parents disappointed in your life choices causing them to drink and wish you were aborted. At least i try. You on the other hand only are good at one thing and that is sucking dick…so you can kill yourself also. Cut right down stream. HAHAHAH
HAHAHAH the only head you know about is the one you give behind gas stations…im having a blast like the one you take in your mouth….God bless you faggot before the aids kills you.
and you still sound like a faggot. how many of those ceo's and exec's did you blow like the homo we know you to be? no one cares what you have done or do. Your copypasta is just as gay as you.