Anonymous ID: e30d11 Feb. 21, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8210221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This came up on a KEYSTONE search- entertaining reading-


Documents Reveal How the NSA Cracked the Kryptos Sculpture Years Before the CIA


According to a former Defense Department cryptanalyst who spoke with Wired, McDaniels was responsible for cracking section three and did it in just six hours lying on his living room couch with paper and pencil after coming home exhausted one day from playing volleyball. McDaniels is now retired from the NSA and declined to speak with Wired about his work on the sculpture. But the source told Wired that McDaniels had been out all day playing volleyball and came home around 10pm.


"He plopped down on the couch in the living room, picked up his draft notes for K3," the source said. "He had tinkered with it before but could never get into it. He knew it was just basic transposition, so he started with the letter Q and [the letter U after it] and found there were five instances of the letter U, and he just tried all five of those. Then he had to try every other vowel that came after and he finally found something that broke it. By then it was about 4am and he was done."

Anonymous ID: e30d11 Feb. 21, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.8210666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0707 >>0733 >>0744 >>0765 >>0810 >>0828

Have not seen this posted here…. From 2010-




John Harris, Rod Blagojevich’s former chief of staff, testified this week that he believes Obama knew of Blagojevich’s quid pro quo scheme to obtain a cabinet position in exchange for appointing Valerie Jarrett to Obama’s vacant Senate seat. A recording was played in which Blagojevich allegedly said that he would not appoint anyone to the Senate seat “for free.”

Anonymous ID: e30d11 Feb. 21, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.8210857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You might think. But Blago was on ice with what was left of his character in tatters. No one in IL liked him anymore, and no one cared, so why bother?


" Obama, who has a habit of discarding allies once they can no longer do anything for him, is the kind of guy who won’t even help his friends out. To do so would be to admit he got to the White House with someone’s help, not because of his own brilliance, charisma and sense of destiny. And Obama and Blagojevich were never friends.

As he prepared to run for the U.S. Senate in 2004, Obama did take political style tips from Blagojevich, who was well known for his two-handed approach to politicking: the right hand shakes, while the left goes for the wallet. But Obama and Blagojevich had little use for each other personally. Both wanted to be president, and Blagojevich, raised in a dreary Northwest Side apartment, thought Hyde Parkers were pampered elitists. But as a loyal Democrat, Obama sat in on Blagojevich’s campaign strategy sessions, and came to envy his skill at glad-handing donors while pestering them for cash.

So don’t worry, Illinoisans. Obama has already gotten everything he needs out of Blagojevich. So Blagojevich won’t be getting out."



"I thought you would finally right this wrong," she told Obama. "You didn't have to pardon him, only commute the sentence. You just had to let him come home. You didn't. You released others, like Chelsea Manning or FALN terrorists, who actually committed reprehensible crimes, but you failed to release an innocent man."