>works both ways tho
I wonder if we would have the fake-n-gay monetary policy of today without the work of Keynes, a homosexual.
>works both ways tho
I wonder if we would have the fake-n-gay monetary policy of today without the work of Keynes, a homosexual.
Never thought I'd long for the days of the R-Fags and CTA crew but then you faggots came along.
>I’m nervous and my thoughts are scattered
Off to a great start already.
Just point them to the drops so they can read them at their own pace.
Then, answer any specific questions that come up.
>throw all faggots off the roof
>accept all poz as or be punished
Always hard to land somewhere in the middle these days.
How about throwing out some examples there, Pops?
Just CM and his H1B code is all
That dude could give birth to thousands of memes.
>Ron Paul says POTUS is mediocre. Gives him a C+ for first term so far.
Ronnie's grades:
F - for getting anything worthwhile done
A - for siring Rand
>No cogent counter-argument just a libby-like reeeeeeee
Confirmation that I'm correct tyvm.
astute - concur