hi Dave
Dave's not here
Have you ever noticed specific clownshills..cough…masonfucks….cough…. using memes with pirate themes, featuring old style sailing ships ? Using the phrase "we are on a ship" over and over ?
Masonfucks are going to SINK, aka FUCKED BIGTIME
would mean that (you) are not a mason
Team goatboy however is obsessed with their symbolism and sure as fuck got the message
Now we get to see the rats flee as the "ship goes down"
would imagine that many at the bottom are mostly clueless, just hoping to get something from the inside connections these groups have by infesting local and state governments, police, and labor union/mob connections.
The Satanic crap is WAY different
would need the output(not power input) of the lamp to even begin and you do not have it
Your state of Supreme Enlightenment, as demonstrated in your post, is an inspiration to us all